Recommended Fortran tutorials?

Participants in the GSoC and others new to Fortran would like a good tutorial to get started. There are many listed at the Fortran Wiki. Skimming the first few listed there, I think

is good but short. Longer and also good is

What other tutorials would experienced Fortranners recommend?


Thanks for recommending our introduction to Fortran, I’m happy you found it useful.

I’m going to teach a six week Fortran course starting next month based on this material. Until then some updates to the material can be expected, especially with regard to using fpm. Also, feedback is always very welcome.

There is a online book (401 pages) by Victor Eijkhout, Introduction to Scientific Programming in C++/Fortran 2003 which discusses Fortran after C++, pointing out differences. The author also makes available a book Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing.

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Another good introductory online book is Ed Jorgenson’s
Introduction to Programming using Fortran 95/2003/2008

The NASA SIVO Seminar Series on the Fortran 2003 Standard by
Tom Clune and associates also has some useful info about Fortran 2003
features circa 2008

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The latest version is now entitled Introduction to Scientific Programming in C++17/Fortran2008

And there are now 4 books (freely available PDFs):

  • The Science of Computing - The Art of High Performance Computing, volume 1
  • Parallel Programming in MPI and OpenMP - The Art of HPC, volume 2
  • Introduction to Scientific Programming in C++17/Fortran2008 - The Art of HPC, volume 3
  • Tutorials for High Performance Scientific Computing - The Art of HPC, volume 4

How is this course going to be taught ? Will the lectures be accessible online ?
If so, send me a link so I can share it on the Discord.

You can find the course material here:

The course is offered for master students in chemistry at the university of Bonn every summer, but also possible to work through as a self-study.

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Thank you

I’d recommend the lecture notes of David Apsley from the Univ. of Manchester (link below). They’re divided in introductory and advanced, and cover many topics concisely but clearly.

They’re very good for mastering the fundamentals and then moving on to more specialized topics as desired.

I have found this site which offers Fortran tutorials:

I have not tested all languages. And I suspect it is automatic translation, but very readable.

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Maybe it’s a little outdated, but my go-to reference is MTU - Fortran 90 Tutorial.

The one that got me started with Modern Fortran was this one it is referenced here :+1: