deRSE23 submission on Fortran-Lang community

Great job Ivan, If you’re interested to include some info on our recent Linear Algebra effort for stdlib, you may want to take inspiration from the summaries of stdlib’s v0.5.0 and v0.6.0 releases:

We are finalizing an almost NumPy-full set of linear algebra operations @jeremie.vandenplas @hkvzjal and soon you should see a new release! I think the most exciting points that we’ve been able to achieve overall are:

  • A new, fully modernized LAPACK backend with quad-precision support
  • Seamless build process with CMake or fpm
  • Trivially use external tuned LAPACK libraries with 1 preprocessor flag
  • Extremely easy APIs, but also full expert interfaces with error control, external storage, etc. We’ve been working hard to enable excellent performance (subroutine interfaces, pure LAPACK, no allocations, etc).