PR for the GSoC’22: Port to Sphinx

I request all the members of the organisation fortran-lang @fortran-lang @fortran-lang/admins to please review this pr and add suggestions and comments on this pr. live preview of this pr is available at gh-pages of my repo : The Fortran Programming Language — Fortran Programming Language .

Thanks and Regards,
Henil Shalin Panchal

CC @awvwgk @rgoswami


Great work @henilp105! I have some notes that you might want to consider:

  • The Section titles in Compilers and News are coloured inconsistently when compared to something like Learn

    In general, I think we should agree on a colour scheme for sections, subsections, etc. and follow it across all pages.
  • IMO the icons in Community are too big, I would scale them down by ~1/3, reduce the gutter spacing to ~1/5 and also chose a larger grid size, say 6xN
  • I would also consider adding some colour on the FAB icons on the landing page, Twitter, Discourse, RSS, etc.
  • I am not sure how useful the search bar is in fortran-lang in the current format. I think we need to polish a bit the way results are displayed. For example type lectures and see what I mean.

    One thing we should think about is what results should be served via the search.

On a more general note I am a fan of minimal landing pages that do not contain too much info and are captivating yet easy on the eyes. However, I very much understand that this is probably not in scope of the GSoC project and that you have simply converted the existing landing page to Sphinx.

I might have some more comments once I spent some more time on your new webpage. If I do I will post them here.

Again, great work!


Thanks alot for reviewing the site and giving great insights , I would surely patch them.

Thanks and Regards,
Henil Shalin Panchal


Live preview of this PR is available at gh-pages of my repo : The Fortran Programming Language — Fortran Programming Language . The URL has been changed As we have decided to shift the Sphinx site to a new repo to avoid build conflicts and to preserve the existing site at a subdomain.

Thanks and Regards,
Henil Shalin Panchal