Looking for a suitable journal

Last year I posted that I have been working on a paper with Lenore Mullin regarding the use of Fortran for implementing Mathematics of Arrays. That paper was (finally) rejected - I like to think that it was the wrong journal, rather than a badly written manuscript. So, now I am looking for an alternative journal. Does anybody have an idea?
There is a preprint on TechXriv - https://www.techrxiv.org/users/693232 - if you would like to see what it is all about.

Maybe, The Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Reviewers, unfortunately, can be highly biased. I had a paper recently rejected by a reviewer (that I had actually suggested). We resubmitted to a higher-impact journal. It is now in press.

Thanks for the suggestion, but the journal seems a bit more on the side of actual applications than my paper. What also discouraging me is the reported time from submission to acceptance: 242 days. While I find that number a bit suspicious - I have seen the same number with another journal from Elsevier and my previous experiences certainly did not result in a two-third-year publication process, I hesitate. The original journal already took half a year to conclude that it was not suitable, althrough they apologised for the lengthy process.

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Another suggestion might be Scientific Programming: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/sp/.


Thanks, that looks a bit more suitable.I will try that one :slight_smile: