The official English translation of our French paper published in November is now freely available here:
As the page format is A5, you can print it in landscape with two pages side by side.
Magnin V., Alves J., Arnoud A., Markus A., and Esposito Marzino M., “Fortran… et puis quoi encore ?”, Bulletin 1024, no. 22, pp.143–161, November 2023, DOI:10.48556/SIF.1024.22.143, also available in English: “Fortran… ok, and what’s next?”,
The authors @vmagnin, @hkvzjal, @antoine, @Arjen, @mEm would like to thank @jeremie.vandenplas, @Pap, @PierU for fruitful discussions, and @JerryD for the final English review, and of course the whole community who made this adventure possible.
Some things are lost in translation, especially the style is probably less tasty. The title may sound a little flat in English whereas the original was a provocative pun (the alternative title “Fortran, Back to the Future!” was also discussed). But most important, the content is now internationally available.
This is not a research paper, this is not a highly technical report, this is not a love song. It was written with the reader’s pleasure in mind. It is the story of Fortran and its communities, alongside the history of computer science. We hope both beginners and experts alike will learn something and/or have a good time reading it.
It was published under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: you can therefore distribute it freely and largely by all means.
Note: the original thread was Writing in French a paper about Fortran (now online!)
the English translation is now also available on: