Trouble setting up new project with fpm-gmsh

Hey all!

I’m recently started to learn fortran and I’m still learning, so please bear with me. I want use the gmsh Fortran API and since I really like the user friendliness of fpm, I’m trying to set up my project with using gmsh-fpm. Sadly I run into various problem, some of which I think I found a solution. Here is a rundown of what I tried.
First I start a new project.

fpm new my_gmsh_project

next I added the dependency to the fpm.toml just like the github readme tells me

gmsh-fpm = { git="" }

I also downloaded the newest version of the gmsh sdk from here
Then I try to build the project the first time using

fpm build --link-flag "-LC:\Thomas\Programme\gmsh-4.11.1-sdk\lib"

But I get an error, while fpm is pulling the gmsh-fpm repository:

<ERROR> *cmd_build* Model error: Dependency name 'gmsh' found, but expected 'gmsh-fpm' instead

Kinda weird, but let’s try to change ‘gmsh-fpm’ to ‘gmsh’ in the .toml file and try again. This time fpm was succesful. In build/depedencies I can see the downloaded repository ‘gmsh’ (also the duplicate gmsh-fpm from the first try compiling. I deleted this one).

Seems like I’m almost done, however when I try to actually use the API, an error occures and I can’t figure out the reason. Here is my small program

program main
   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
   use gmsh
   implicit none

   type(gmsh_t) :: gmsh

   ! Before using any functions in the Python API, Gmsh must be initialized:
   call gmsh%initialize()

   ! This should be called when you are done using the Gmsh Python API:
   call gmsh%finalize()
end program main

Just start and close gmsh. Nothing to fancy. And here is the error I get:

PS C:\Thomas\FortranTest\my_gmsh_project> fpm run --link-flag "-LC:\Thomas\Programme\gmsh-4.11.1-sdk\lib"
gmsh.f90                               done.
libmy_gmsh_project.a                   done.
main.f90                               done.
my_gmsh_project.exe                    failed.
[100%] Compiling...
C:/Program Files/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: build\gfortran_50F62D7499E64B65\my_gmsh_project\libmy_gmsh_project.a(build_dependencies_gmsh_src_gmsh.f90.o): in function `__gmsh_MOD_gmshmodelmeshgetvisibility':
C:\Thomas\FortranTest\my_gmsh_project/build/dependencies/gmsh/src/gmsh.f90:7107: undefined reference to `gmshModelMeshGetVisibility'
C:/Program Files/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: build\gfortran_50F62D7499E64B65\my_gmsh_project\libmy_gmsh_project.a(build_dependencies_gmsh_src_gmsh.f90.o): in function `__gmsh_MOD_gmshmodelmeshcomputerenumbering':
C:\Thomas\FortranTest\my_gmsh_project/build/dependencies/gmsh/src/gmsh.f90:6588: undefined reference to `gmshModelMeshComputeRenumbering'
C:/Program Files/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: build\gfortran_50F62D7499E64B65\my_gmsh_project\libmy_gmsh_project.a(build_dependencies_gmsh_src_gmsh.f90.o): in function `__gmsh_MOD_gmshmodelgetentitiesforphysicalname':
C:\Thomas\FortranTest\my_gmsh_project/build/dependencies/gmsh/src/gmsh.f90:1550: undefined reference to `gmshModelGetEntitiesForPhysicalName'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
<ERROR> Compilation failed for object " my_gmsh_project.exe "
<ERROR> stopping due to failed compilation

And with this error I’m stumped. It seems really weird, because I can find these procedures in the gmsh.f90 file of the dependecy, but somehow they are gone, when building? Or does the error occure, because fpm can’t find these references while linking to the gmsh sdk?

If you need additional information, let me know.


Welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, I cannot help you with this problem, but @gnikit, the author of gmsh-fpm is a regular here.


Welcome to Fortran-lang @Tavi007!

You almost got the config right:

In your fpm.toml use (4.11.1 is the latest stable version)

gmsh = { git="", tag = "4.11.1" }

When you run the application via the terminal use this (adjusted for the path to your SDK)

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./gmsh-4.11.1-Linux64-sdk/lib/ fpm run  --link-flag "-L ./gmsh-4.11.1-Linux6

The usual tricks with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH here work e.g.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/gmsh-4.11.1-Linux64-sdk/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
fpm run --link-flag "-L ./gmsh-4.11.1-Linux64-sdk/lib"


For gfortran you can remove explicitly having to link to libgmsh by adding
the lib directory into your LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for gfortran
to search before compiling e,g.

export LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/gmsh-sdk/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
fpm run

Hey @gnikit .Thank you very much.
I got it finally working, though with one small hiccup. The Programm could be build successfully, however running the programm result in an error: the gmsh-4.11.dll was not found. Copying the .dll from the sdk/lib folder into my project fixed the issue, but left me wondering, if it is possible for fpm to do that automatically if needed.

But for now I’m happy with the solution I have.