Gtk-fortran 4.2 released (a fpm dependency)

  • gtk-fortran 4.2.1 offers interfaces to GTK 4.6.2 and GLib 2.72.1. You can of course use it with lower GTK 4 versions, provided that you don’t call new functions. It was tested on Linux, MSYS2/Windows 10, macOS and FreeBSD.

  • Thanks to @awvwgk, it can now be installed via conda (Linux and macOS only):

$ conda install gtk-4-fortran
  • Last but not the least, gtk-fortran can now be used as a fpm dependency (gtk4 branch only), as explained in the tutorial 5 “How to use fpm to build a gtk-fortran project”, based on the gtkzero_fpm example. Supposing you have already installed fpm and the GTK 4 development files (libgtk-4-dev package in Ubuntu), building and running that example should be as simple as typing:
$ git clone
$ cd gtkzero_fpm
$ fpm run

A “Hello World” GTK empty window should appear on screen:

It’s very simple to use, the key lines in the fpm.toml manifest of that example being just:

gtk-fortran = { git = "", branch = "gtk4" }

Note that if you have several projects using gtk-fortran, it would be a better solution to clone the gtk-fortran repository alongside your projects and replace in their fpm.toml manifests the git dependency by the local path to gtk-fortran:

gtk-fortran = { path = "../gtk-fortran" }

Have fun! You can post issues here or on GitHub. But you can also post success :wink:


Another gtk-fortran example, in the gtk-fortran-extra repository, has become a fpm project using gtk-fortran as a dependency:

$ git clone
$ cd gtk-fortran-extra/unknown_pleasures
$ fpm run

It uses the Cairo vectorial drawing library, which is part of GTK.