TRIGRS model is a Fortran program

I am trying to model landslides and i have no experience at all with coding etc.
Can someone please help with identifying and fixing mistakea in this initialisation file…

  1. Name of project (up to 255 characters)
  2. TRIGRS, version 2.0.10t, Tutorial
  3. tx, nmax, mmax, zones
  4. 1, 30, 100, 2
  5. nzs, zmin, uww, nper t
  6. 10, 0.001, 9.8e3, 2, 216000
  7. zmax, depth, rizero, Min_Slope_Angle (degrees), Max_Slope_Angle (deg.)
  8. -3.001, -2.4, -1.0e-9, 0., 90.0
  9. zone, 1
  10. cohesion,phi, uws, diffus, K-sat, Theta-sat,Theta-res,Alpha
  11. 3.5e+03, 35., 2.2e+04, 6.0e-06, 1.0e-07, 0.45, 0.05, -0.5
  12. zone, 2
  13. cohesion,phi, uws, diffus, K-sat, Theta-sat,Theta-res,Alpha
  14. 8.0e+03, 31., 2.2e+04, 8.0e-4, 1.0e-04, 0.45, 0.06, -8.
  15. cri(1), cri(2), …, cri(nper)
  16. 3.e-7, 9.e-5
  17. capt(1), capt(2), …, capt(n), capt(n+1)
  18. 0, 172800, 216000
  19. File name of slope angle grid (slofil)
  20. Data/tutorial/slope.asc
  21. File name of digital elevation grid (elevfil)
  22. Data/tutorial/dem.asc
  23. File name of property zone grid (zonfil)
  24. Data/tutorial/zones.asc
  25. File name of depth grid (zfil)
  26. Data/tutorial/zmax.asc
  27. File name of initial depth of water table grid (depfil)
  28. Data/tutorial/depthwt.asc
  29. File name of initial infiltration rate grid (rizerofil)
  30. Data/tutorial/rizero.asc
  31. List of file name(s) of rainfall intensity for each period, (rifil())
  32. Data/tutorial/ri1.asc
  33. Data/tutorial/ri2.asc
  34. File name of grid of D8 runoff receptor cell numbers (nxtfil)
  35. Data/tutorial/TIdscelGrid_tutorial.asc
  36. File name of list of defining runoff computation order (ndxfil)
  37. Data/tutorial/TIcelindxList_tutorial.txt
  38. File name of list of all runoff receptor cells (dscfil)
  39. Data/tutorial/TIdscelList_tutorial.txt
  40. File name of list of runoff weighting factors (wffil)
  41. Data/tutorial/TIwfactorList_tutorial.txt
  42. Folder where output grid files will be stored (folder)
  43. Data/tutorial/
  44. Identification code to be added to names of output files (suffix)
  45. tutorial
  46. Save grid files of runoff? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  47. T
  48. Save grid of minimum factor of safety? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  49. T
  50. Save grid of depth of minimum factor of safety? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  51. T
  52. Save grid of pressure head at depth of minimum factor of safety? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  53. T
  54. Save grid of computed water table depth or elevation? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.) followed by ‘depth,’ or ‘eleva’
  55. T, depth
  56. Save grid files of actual infiltration rate? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  57. T
  58. Save grid files of unsaturated zone basal flux? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  59. F
  60. Save listing of pressure head and factor of safety (“flag”)? (-9 sparse xmdv , -8 down-sampled xmdv, -7 full xmdv, -6 sparse ijz, -5 down-sampled ijz, -4 full ijz, -3 Z-P-Fs-saturation list -2 detailed Z-P-Fs, -1 Z-P-Fs list, 0 none). Enter flag value followed by down-sampling interval (integer).
  61. -2,2
  62. Number of times to save output grids and (or) ijz/xmdv files
  63. 2
  64. Times of output grids and (or) ijz/xmdv files
  65. 172800, 216000.
  66. Skip other timesteps? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  67. F
  68. Use analytic solution for fillable porosity? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  69. T
  70. Estimate positive pressure head in rising water table zone (i.e. in lower part of unsat zone)? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  71. T
  72. Use psi0=-1/alpha? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.) (False selects the default value, psi0=0)
  73. F
  74. Log mass balance results? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  75. T
  76. Flow direction (Enter “gener”, “slope”, or “hydro”)
  77. gener
  78. Add steady background flux to transient infiltration rate to prevent drying beyond the initial conditions during periods of zero infiltration?
  79. T
  80. Specify file extension for output grids. Enter T (.true.) for “.asc” or F for “.txt”
  81. T
  82. Ignore negative pressure head in computing factor of safety (saturated infiltration only)? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  83. T
  84. Ignore height of capillary fringe in computing pressure head for unsaturated infiltration option? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
  85. T
  86. Parameters for deep pressure-head estimate in Scoops3D ijz output: Depth below ground surface (positive, use negative value to cancel this option), pressure option (enter ‘zero’ , ‘flow’ , ‘hydr’ , or ‘relh’)
  87. -50.0,flow

What error message do you get when running the program? That could indicate which line of the input file is causing the problem.

I think the code is at GitLab. Maybe there are sample input files there that you could modify.

Welcome to the forum.

It’s unfortunately impossible to answer your question without knowing what should be the syntax of this file…

Adding to the above.

The User Guide referenced from here on the Gitlab repository is probably your way into understanding the model, and inputs required.

This forum is probably only a useful place to hope for some help with questions about building the model executable - for sure not questions about how to use it in practice. Best of luck in the learning adventure…


And a recent article because I was curious :wink:

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