I am trying to model landslides and i have no experience at all with coding etc.
Can someone please help with identifying and fixing mistakea in this initialisation file…
- Name of project (up to 255 characters)
- TRIGRS, version 2.0.10t, Tutorial
- tx, nmax, mmax, zones
- 1, 30, 100, 2
- nzs, zmin, uww, nper t
- 10, 0.001, 9.8e3, 2, 216000
- zmax, depth, rizero, Min_Slope_Angle (degrees), Max_Slope_Angle (deg.)
- -3.001, -2.4, -1.0e-9, 0., 90.0
- zone, 1
- cohesion,phi, uws, diffus, K-sat, Theta-sat,Theta-res,Alpha
- 3.5e+03, 35., 2.2e+04, 6.0e-06, 1.0e-07, 0.45, 0.05, -0.5
- zone, 2
- cohesion,phi, uws, diffus, K-sat, Theta-sat,Theta-res,Alpha
- 8.0e+03, 31., 2.2e+04, 8.0e-4, 1.0e-04, 0.45, 0.06, -8.
- cri(1), cri(2), …, cri(nper)
- 3.e-7, 9.e-5
- capt(1), capt(2), …, capt(n), capt(n+1)
- 0, 172800, 216000
- File name of slope angle grid (slofil)
- Data/tutorial/slope.asc
- File name of digital elevation grid (elevfil)
- Data/tutorial/dem.asc
- File name of property zone grid (zonfil)
- Data/tutorial/zones.asc
- File name of depth grid (zfil)
- Data/tutorial/zmax.asc
- File name of initial depth of water table grid (depfil)
- Data/tutorial/depthwt.asc
- File name of initial infiltration rate grid (rizerofil)
- Data/tutorial/rizero.asc
- List of file name(s) of rainfall intensity for each period, (rifil())
- Data/tutorial/ri1.asc
- Data/tutorial/ri2.asc
- File name of grid of D8 runoff receptor cell numbers (nxtfil)
- Data/tutorial/TIdscelGrid_tutorial.asc
- File name of list of defining runoff computation order (ndxfil)
- Data/tutorial/TIcelindxList_tutorial.txt
- File name of list of all runoff receptor cells (dscfil)
- Data/tutorial/TIdscelList_tutorial.txt
- File name of list of runoff weighting factors (wffil)
- Data/tutorial/TIwfactorList_tutorial.txt
- Folder where output grid files will be stored (folder)
- Data/tutorial/
- Identification code to be added to names of output files (suffix)
- tutorial
- Save grid files of runoff? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Save grid of minimum factor of safety? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Save grid of depth of minimum factor of safety? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Save grid of pressure head at depth of minimum factor of safety? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Save grid of computed water table depth or elevation? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.) followed by ‘depth,’ or ‘eleva’
- T, depth
- Save grid files of actual infiltration rate? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Save grid files of unsaturated zone basal flux? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- F
- Save listing of pressure head and factor of safety (“flag”)? (-9 sparse xmdv , -8 down-sampled xmdv, -7 full xmdv, -6 sparse ijz, -5 down-sampled ijz, -4 full ijz, -3 Z-P-Fs-saturation list -2 detailed Z-P-Fs, -1 Z-P-Fs list, 0 none). Enter flag value followed by down-sampling interval (integer).
- -2,2
- Number of times to save output grids and (or) ijz/xmdv files
- 2
- Times of output grids and (or) ijz/xmdv files
- 172800, 216000.
- Skip other timesteps? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- F
- Use analytic solution for fillable porosity? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Estimate positive pressure head in rising water table zone (i.e. in lower part of unsat zone)? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Use psi0=-1/alpha? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.) (False selects the default value, psi0=0)
- F
- Log mass balance results? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Flow direction (Enter “gener”, “slope”, or “hydro”)
- gener
- Add steady background flux to transient infiltration rate to prevent drying beyond the initial conditions during periods of zero infiltration?
- T
- Specify file extension for output grids. Enter T (.true.) for “.asc” or F for “.txt”
- T
- Ignore negative pressure head in computing factor of safety (saturated infiltration only)? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Ignore height of capillary fringe in computing pressure head for unsaturated infiltration option? Enter T (.true.) or F (.false.)
- T
- Parameters for deep pressure-head estimate in Scoops3D ijz output: Depth below ground surface (positive, use negative value to cancel this option), pressure option (enter ‘zero’ , ‘flow’ , ‘hydr’ , or ‘relh’)
- -50.0,flow