I’m working on a Fortran program to create a 2D model for near-surface topography, specifically simulating a sinusoidal topography on the second layer’s top surface. The model outputs a grid to a text file, with the first layer represented by 1
and the second layer by 2
. The spacing between grid points is (nx - 1)
. Here is the code I’ve written so far:
program Sin_Topo_Layer
implicit none
integer :: nx ! Number of grid points in the x direction
integer :: nz ! Number of grid points in the y direction
real :: x, z
integer :: i, j
!real :: z(ny, nx)
! integer :: topo(ny, nx)
!real :: x_min, x_max, z_min, z_max
!real :: dx, dz
real :: amplitude ! Amplitude of the sinusoidal wave
real :: wavelength ! Wavelength of the sinusoidal wave
character*1,allocatable,dimension(:, :: icode
! Values of parameters
nx = 100
nz = 100
amplitude = 5.0
wavelength = 20.0
x_min = 0.0
x_max = 10.0
z_min = 0.0
z_max = 10.0
! Compute the grid spacing
dx = (x_max - x_min) / (nx - 1)
dz = (z_max - z_min) / (nz - 1)
! Allocate the topography array
! Create topography
do j = 1, nz
do i = 1, nx
x = (i - 1) * wavelength / (nx - 1)
z = (j - 1) * wavelength / (nz - 1)
z(j, i) = amplitude * sin(2.0 * 3.141592653589793 * x / wavelength)
! Assign layers based on the sinusoidal topography
if (y > z(j, i)) then
topo(j, i) = 1 ! First layer
topo(j, i) = 2 ! Second layer
end if
end do
end do
! Write the topography to the output file
do j=1,nz
1000 format(<nx>a1)
! Generate the topography using sin fuction
!do j = 1, nz
! z = z_min + (j - 1) * dz
! do i = 1, nx
! x = x_min + (i - 1) * dx
! topo(i, j) = sin(x) * cos(z)
!end do
!end do
! Output the data to a text file
! do j = 1, nz
! z = z_min + (j - 1) * dz
! do i = 1, nx
! x = x_min + (i - 1) * dx
! if (j <= nz / 2) then
! topo(i, j) = 1 ! First layer
! else
! topo(i, j) = 2 ! Second layer
! end if
! end do
! end do
! deallocate(topo)’
! do j=1,nz
! write(2012,1000)(icode(i,j),i=1,nx)
! enddo
!1000 format(<nx>a1)
end program Sin_Topo_Layer