Total image size exceeds max

The warning you’re seeing, LNK4084: total image size exceeds max, indicates that the total size of your application exceeds the allowed limit set by the linker, which is 268,435,456 bytes (256 MB). This can happen in large applications …

warning LNK4084: total image size 526815232 exceeds max (268435456); image may not run

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I can (probably) answer the intended question.

Windows has a hard 2GB limit on code and static data. (the limit is actually a bit below 2GB), even on 64-bit platforms. This is due to the design of the Windows EXE format. If the linker sees more than this amount of code and static data, you’ll get this error. Sometimes the linker won’t complain but the executable still will not run.

By “static data” I primarily mean, for Fortran, COMMON blocks. People sometimes declare enormous arrays in COMMON and trigger this problem. The usual solution is to make these arrays ALLOCATBLE instead and allocate them to the desired size at the beginning of execution. (That is, after you think about whether you really need arrays that big.) Keep in mind that this is the total size of the arrays, so if you have several that are, say, 500MB each, you can hit this restriction.

Linux has the option -mcmodel which can be set to medium or large, allowing larger static data (large allows more than 2GB code as well), but Windows does not.


Silverfrost FTN95 /64 Windows compiler has conveniently removed this restriction for non-initialised arrays.

The main value of 64-bit compilation is that the available address space has increased 
from 4GB to approximately 1.8 x 10^19 bytes! This means that for the foreseeable future 
(possibly forever!), the size of programs will be limited only by the amount of physical 
memory available on a system.

Arrays that are ALLOCATEd, or which are in COMMON or in MODULEs can exceed the 4GB 
limit, except that initialised arrays must fit within the .EXE or .DLL file to which 
they belong, and the the size of these files cannot extend beyond the 4GB limit. 
This is a Microsoft limit, but is fairly reasonable, since the time needed to load a 4GB 
file would be excessive!

COMMON blocks and MODULE arrays are allocated dynamically as a program starts in order to 
enjoy no 4GB restrictions. This is applied to all such storage blocks, because a program 
may exceed the 4GB limit even though each individual array lies within this limit.

This provides a useful extension for legacy codes.

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But the reported size here is about 500MB…

This reported figure can be inaccurate if the total size overflows a 32-bit integer. To be honest, I had not noticed before that the max reported is only 256MB - I suspect that this message hasn’t been updated in a while.