Hi. Co-founder of HPSF here. Just to clarify a bit:
My first impression was that fortran-lang could (should?) join this project.
Do you want to join HPSF as a (supporting) member organization or as a (supported) project? Those are the two ways to join. HPSF exists to support the projects and to foster a portable, accelerated HPC software ecosystem.
Is fortran-lang an open source project? There are projects in LF that are more community-oriented or standards-oriented. If so we could certainly talk about what that might look like. Joining as a project is free, though you do have to contribute the trademark (name/logo) and domain to LF and LF becomes a co-owner on the GitHub org (they don’t want to run it – just to make sure it doesn’t go away if the maintainers do). Projects in LF have their own governance, so you would also need a technical charter for fortran-lang (maybe you already have one?).
You have to buy in
“Members” as described on that page are supporters of the technical projects and working groups. You do not need to buy in to join as a technical project or to participate in any technical projects.
After some discussions I got to understand that some of the founders of HPSF might have a certain degree of animosity against Fortran
I am not sure who is promoting this viewpoint, but Fortran is undoubtedly still important in the HPC software ecosystem, and there’s plenty of Fortran software and Fortran projects that we might want to bring into HPSF. I don’t think there is any opposition to Fortran projects joining.
I find it interesting that all the U.S. Gov’t lab members are all DoE which went big time C++ several years ago. It does not include DoD HPCMP program (I guess there is still time) so until it does I can’t take it seriously.
We just launched on Monday, and have been trying very hard since the intent-to-form announcement at SC23 to get all the initial members onboarded. One of the goals of doing the initial announcement in November was to give others a chance to get in touch and join.
If DoD HPCMP wants to join, they are welcome to do so, and there is a link on hpsf.io where they can sign up as a member. Also, if HPCMP has open source codes they think would belong in HPSF we’d be happy to have them join as projects.
Update: CEA just joined, so there is an existence proof