We are in the process of investigating whether Fortran-lang would be a good candidate for joining NumFOCUS. Part of that includes finding what information needs to be submitted for the application. Following up from this month’s Monthly Call and our previous dicsussion on funding options
I have looked through the NumFOCUS application form and I believe we should apply for a comprehensive, fiscal sponsorship.
In addition, there are a few sections in the application that would be a good idea if they were discussed in public with the community as a whole. Specifically sections 12.b, 12.d, 12.e, 12.i, 12.j
All Application Questions
1 Does your project have a contributor Code of Conduct?
2 What is the name of your project?
3 Please provide the url of your project’s (primary) repo:
4 Your project’s website:
5 Please provide a summary description of your project in a few sentences:
The organization for the Fortran programming language, responsible for all things Fortran; from scientific computing projects such as the Fortran stdlib, fftpack to build tools and editor extensions like the Fortran package manager fpm and Modern Fortran for Visual Studio Code
6 Does your project have a logo?
7 Please upload a .svg file of your project’s logo.
8 Your project’s Twitter handle or other social media handles/urls:
9 Why do you want your project to join NumFOCUS?
Firstly, because we have grown in size as an organization the need has arisen for us to be able to receive donations and funds, as well as hire individuals for contract work. The structure that NumFOCUS offers is extremely appealing to us since we are trying to avoid setting up an NGO ourselves and managing all the administrative and legal responsibilities. From our sister project LFortran we know that NumFOCUS offers excellent support in that respect.
Secondly, we are also interested in the legal counsel services that NumFOCUS offers in case something happens, such as infringement of our IP or DMCA takedowns.
10 Are you applying for Fiscal Sponsorship or Affiliation?
11 Is your project wanting to apply for the Comprehensive or the Grantor-Grantee fiscal sponsorship model?
12 Please provide us with the following information about your project:
12.a The publicly visible location of your governance document:
12.b The publicly visible location of your roadmap:
12.c URL to “how to get started as a contributor” documentation:
12.d The names and email addresses of five people willing to act as signatories for your project:
12.e The name of your project’s leadership body: It cannot contain the word “board” other than that it can be whatever you choose.
12.f A physical mailing address for your project: Nothing will be sent here and it wont be used for any other purpose.
12.h Please provide a short project description for developers/users: See example under “Technical Details” tab at the bottom of this page: pandas - NumFOCUS
12.i. Please provide us with a a few sentences describing the known applications of your project: See example under “Applications” tab at the bottom of this page: pandas - NumFOCUS
12.j Please provide us with project Industry, Languages, and Applications tags:
See example here: pandas - NumFOCUS
Industry: Higher Education Research & Academia, Business & Industrial Applications
Languages: Fortran, Python, TypeScript, Javascript and many others
Features: Numerical Modelling/Computing, Statistical Modelling/Computing, Text Processing, Build Tool, Package Manager, Computational Language, High Performance Computing, Code Editor Extension