Thank you to the Fortran-lang community

Hello Fortran community!

I wanted to give a big thank you and specially to those involved in the creation of the community as today I gave a “Modern Fortran training” to my colleagues.

@milancurcic @m_b_metcalf your books were invaluable in constructing the presentation, I had them as bibles while preparing it:

The introduction was about the tooling developed by this community: fpm, stdlib, Modern Fortran + fortls for VS Code, some notes on the open-source compilers

@FedericoPerini @jeremie.vandenplas @certik @gnikit @ivanpribec and so many others!!

Many code snippets, advices and good practices came from all the nice discussions happening in this forum and the solid documentation in the Learn — Fortran Programming Language site!

People loved it, thanks again!!