Research paper using Fortran

I published my paper in August 2021, which uses Fortran for all needed calculations.

url: Phys. Rev. C 104, 024601 (2021) - Effect of initial $3\ensuremath{\alpha}$ cluster configurations in $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ on the direct decay of its Hoyle state


@abhijitb498 ,

Welcome to this forum!

Do you plan to open-source your code or are there any restrictions on what you can share publicly? The paper is behind a paywall from what I notice, but the abstract sounds cool!

As you and your colleagues were using Fortran for all the needed calculations, were you able to make use of features from Fortran 2003, 2008, and 2018 Fortran standard revisions? Separately, are there any particular aspects about scientific programming you really missed in Fortran?

The code is already open-sourced, although the article is not.

link: GitHub - abhijitb498/BPP: Barrier Penetration Probability using WKB technique

It was my first paper as a PhD student and it uses basic features of Fortran 90. The same code I have further modified using Object Oriented Approach which is undergoing testing and is not uploaded as of now.

I do miss some handy features of Python (Plotting etc.) but for those, I am developing alternate Fortran based solutions. Created something like stdlib in fpm (or numpy in Python) for my personal use and other handy analysis tools.

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