Half-precision real has been widely available on GPUs with important applications in machine learning. On CPUs, it seems less available.
I discovered just a few days ago that nagfor
now supports REAL16
, half-precision real. This is very interesting.
However, I found a couple of bugs after a quick try on PRIMA. Here is an example, which has been submitted to NAG confirmed as a bug by NAG.
Code (also available at test_compiler/test_isorth.f90 at master · zequipe/test_compiler · GitHub):
! test_isorth.f90
module test_mod
use iso_fortran_env, only : RP => REAL16
!use iso_fortran_env, only : RP => REAL32
!use iso_fortran_env, only : RP => REAL64
!use iso_fortran_env, only : RP => REAL128
implicit none
function eye(n) result(x)
! EYE returns an order n identity matrix.
implicit none
! Inputs
integer, intent(in) :: n
! Outputs
real(RP) :: x(max(n, 0), max(n, 0))
! Local variables
integer :: i
if (size(x, 1) * size(x, 2) > 0) then
x = 0.0_RP
do i = 1, int(min(size(x, 1), size(x, 2)), kind(i))
x(i, i) = 1.0_RP
end do
end if
end function eye
function isorth(A, tol) result(is_orth)
! This function tests whether the matrix A has orthonormal columns up to the tolerance TOL.
implicit none
! Inputs
real(RP), intent(in) :: A(:, :)
real(RP), intent(in), optional :: tol
! Outputs
logical :: is_orth
! Local variables
integer :: n
real(RP) :: err(size(A, 2), size(A, 2))
n = int(size(A, 2), kind(n))
err = abs(matmul(transpose(A), A) - eye(n))
is_orth = all(abs(matmul(transpose(A), A) - eye(n)) <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A))))
write (*, *) 'A = ', A
write (*, *) 'A^T*A = ', matmul(transpose(A), A)
write (*, *) 'I = ', eye(n)
write (*, *) '|A^T*A - I| = ', err
write (*, *) 'max(|A^T*A - I|) = ', maxval(err)
write (*, *) 'tol = ', tol
write (*, *) 'max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A))) = ', max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A)))
write (*, *) '|A^T*A - I| <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A))) = ', err <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A)))
write (*, *) 'all(|A^T*A - I| <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A)))) = ', all(err <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A))))
write (*, *) '|A^T*A - I| <= tol = ', abs(matmul(transpose(A), A) - eye(n)) <= tol
write (*, *) 'all(|A^T*A - I| <= tol) = ', all(abs(matmul(transpose(A), A) - eye(n)) <= tol)
write (*, *) 'is_orth = ', is_orth
end function isorth
end module test_mod
program test
use test_mod, only : RP, isorth
implicit none
logical :: is_orth
real(RP) :: A(2, 2) = reshape([-0.7896_RP, 0.6143_RP, -0.6143_RP, -0.7896_RP], [2, 2])
real(RP) :: tol = 0.99_RP
is_orth = isorth(A, tol)
if (is_orth) then
write (*, *) 'RIGHT! The columns of A are orthonormal up to the tolerance ', tol
write (*, *) 'WRONG! The columns of A are not orthonormal up to the tolerance ', tol
error stop 1
end if
end program test
$ uname -a && nagfor test.f90 && ./a.out
Linux 6.5.0-21-generic #21~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Feb 9 13:32:52 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 7.1(Hanzomon) Build 7143
[NAG Fortran Compiler normal termination]
A = -0.7896 0.6143 -0.6143 -0.7896
A^T*A = 1.001 0.0000 0.0000 1.001
I = 1.000 0.0000 0.0000 1.000
|A^T*A - I| = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
max(|A^T*A - I|) = 0.0000
tol = 0.9902
max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A))) = 0.9902
|A^T*A - I| <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A))) = T T T T
all(|A^T*A - I| <= max(tol, tol * maxval(abs(A)))) = T
|A^T*A - I| <= tol = T T T T
all(|A^T*A - I| <= tol) = T
is_orth = F
WRONG! The columns of A are not orthonormal up to the tolerance 0.9902
The bug occurs also on a Macbook with M3 chip and the latest system. The version of the compiler is the same.