So I am trying to solve the Euler 1-dimensional equations of fluid flow through a double convergent-divergent nozzle. This code supposedly should work fine, and write the file results.dat with the expected results for density, velocity and pressure. However, all I get is NaN in all cases. I use ifort as a compiler.
Here is the entire code:
module constants
double precision ::GAM, GAMM1 ,rkconst(4),conA,conB,conC,conK,R, T0
double precision, allocatable :: xc(:),xf(:),Sc(:),Sf(:), Scp(: )
end module constants
Program Euler1d
use constants
Implicit None
double precision, allocatable :: U(:,:),U0(:,:),cell_flux(:,:),P(: )
double precision :: XMIN, XMAX, DX, DT,TIME
double precision :: UCL(3),UCR(3),UPL(3),UPR(3), NORM,flux(3)
integer :: i, j, k, NX,NXC,NTIME, NTIMETOT
R = 287.05;
T0 = 292;
GAM=1.4; GAMM1=GAM - 1
conA= 0.456
conB= 1.09
conC= 0.91
conK= 0.19
!Define runge kutta constants
rkconst(1) = 0.1084d0
rkconst(2) = 0.2602d0
rkconst(3) = 0.5052d0
rkconst(4) = 1.d0
!Input Parameters
NTIMETOT = 5000 ! Total timesteps
XMIN = 0.0 ! XMIN
XMAX = 2.0 ! XMAX
DX = 1.0e-2 ! DX
DT = 1.0e-6 ! DT
!Finite Volume Scheme-Nodes represent faces
!Number of points/faces
NX = int((XMAX-XMIN)/DX)
!Calculate new DX for accurate division by NX
!write (*,*) 'New DX =', DX
!Number of cell centers
NXC= NX -1
! 0: represents boundary cell at start and NXC+1 boundary cell at end
! U is the solution vector (Dens, Dens *U, Dens *E), U0 the vector after the 1st Runge-Kutta step
! cell_flux is the sum of the fluxes for each cell
allocate (U(3,0:NXC+1),U0(3,0:NXC+1))
allocate (cell_flux(1:3,0:NXC+1))
allocate (P(1:NXC))
do i=1,NX
xf(i)= XMIN + (i-1)*DX
xc(i)= xf(i) + DX/2
Sf(i)= conK+conA*((xf(i)-conC)**2)*((xf(i)-conC)**2-conB**2)
Sc(i)= conK+conA*((xc(i)-conC)**2)*((xc(i)-conC)**2-conB**2)
Sc(0)= Sc(1)
!Set initial conditions
call ic
do ntime = 1, NTIMETOT
!k 1:4 four step RK
do while (k.le.4)
!Set boundary conditions
call bc
!For all Faces
do i=1,NX
!Left cell
UCL = U(1:3,i-1)
!Right cell
UCR = U(1:3,i)
!Get primitive variables
call co_to_pri(UCL,UPL,Sf(i))
call co_to_pri(UCR,UPR,Sf(i))
!calculate Roe-flux
call calc_flux(UPL, UPR, UCL, UCR,NORM,Flux)
!Normal points from left to right
!For bc's it's obsolete
cell_flux(1:3,i-1) = cell_flux(1:3,i-1) + Flux
cell_flux(1:3,i) = cell_flux(1:3,i) - Flux
! Time integration
if(k.eq.1) U0(1:3,1:NXC)=U(1:3,1:NXC)
do i=1,NXC
P(i) = GAMM1 * (U(3,i) - 0.5d0 / U(1,i) * U(2,i)**2/Sf(i))
U(1:3,i) = U0(1:3,i) - DT/DX *rkconst(k)*(cell_flux(1:3,i) - cell_flux(1:3,i-1))
U(2,i) = U(2,i) + (DT*P(i))*Scp(i)
write(*,*) 'NTIME= ',NTIME,'TIME= ', TIME
!write results
if (mod(NTIME,100).eq.0) call writeres(TIME)
!Set initial conditions
Subroutine ic
Implicit None
double precision :: UC(3),UP(3)
!Sod's shock tube initial conditions
! set pressure, velocity, density and then transform to conservative
do i=1,NXC
UP(3)= 3.2e5; UP(2) = 0.d0; UP(1) = UP(3)/(R*T0);
call pri_to_co(UC,UP,Sf(i))
U(1:3,i) = UC(1:3)
End Subroutine ic
!Set boundary conditions at ends
Subroutine bc
double precision :: UP(3),UC(3)
!REFLECTIVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (as defined by the problem)
!give bc in a primitive form
UP(1) = 4e5/(R*T0) !Density
UP(2) = U(2,1)/U(1,1) !Velocity
UP(3) = 4e5 !Pressure
call pri_to_co(UC,UP,Sc(0))
U(1,0) = UC(1) !Density
U(2,0) = UC(2) !Velocity
U(3,0) = UC(3) !Pressure
UP(1) = U(1,NXC)/(conK+conA*((2-conC)**2)*((2-conC)**2-conB**2)) !Density
UP(2) = U(2,NXC)/U(1,NXC) !Velocity
UP(3) = 3.2e5 !Pressure
call pri_to_co(UC,UP,Sc(NXC+1))
U(1,NXC+1) = UC(1) !Density
U(2,NXC+1) = UC(2) !Velocity
U(3,NXC+1) = UC(3) !Pressure
end Subroutine bc
!write results in primitive variable form
Subroutine writeres(TIME)
double precision :: TIME,UP(3),UC(3)
open (1,file='results.dat')
write(1,'(a)') '#Time, X, Density, Velocity, Pressure'
do i=1,NXC
UC(1:3) = U(1:3,i)
call co_to_pri(UC,UP,Sc(i))
write(1,'(5(e28.17,1x))') TIME,XMIN + (i-1) * DX + 0.5 * DX, UP(1:3)
End Subroutine writeres
! Flux:Calculated Roe flux
Subroutine calc_flux(UPL, UPR, UCL, UCR,NORM,Flux)
use constants
Implicit None
double precision, intent(in) :: UPL(3), UPR(3),UCL(3),UCR(3),NORM
double precision, intent(out) :: Flux(3)
double precision :: Flux_left(3), Flux_right(3), Aroe(3,3), DF1(3)
!1D fluxes
call flux1d(UPL,UCL,NORM,Flux_left,Sf(i))
call flux1d(UPR,UCR,NORM,Flux_right,Sf(i))
!Roe matric
call roematrix(UPL,UCL,UPR,UCR,NORM,Aroe,Sf(i))
DF1(1:3) = UCR(1:3)-UCL(1:3)
!Final flux
Flux(1 : 3) = 0.5d0 * (Flux_left(1:3) + Flux_right(1:3) - matmul(Aroe,DF1))
End subroutine calc_flux
End Program Euler1d
!Subroutine to convert conservative (UC) to primitive (UP)
Subroutine co_to_pri(UC,UP,S)
use constants
Implicit None
double precision, intent(in) :: UC(3),S
double precision, intent(out) :: UP(3)
UP(1) = UC(1)/S
UP(2) = UC(2)/UC(1)
UP(3) = GAMM1 * (UC(3) - 0.5d0 / UC(1) * UC(2)**2)/S
End Subroutine co_to_pri
!Subroutine to convert primitive(UP) to conservative (UC)
Subroutine pri_to_co(UC,UP,S)
use constants
Implicit None
double precision, intent(out) :: UC(3)
double precision, intent(in) :: UP(3),S
UC(1) = UP(1)*S
UC(2) = UP(2)*UP(1)*S
UC(3) = (UP(3) / GAMM1 + 0.5d0 * UP(1) * UP(2)**2)*S
End Subroutine pri_to_co
!Subroutine to calculate Roe flux
! UPL :Primitive Variable left
! UPR :Primitive Variable right
! UCL :Conservative Variable left
! UCR :Conservative Variable Right
! NORM:Normal
!1D euler equaations flux functions
! UP :Primitive Variable
! UC :Conservative Variable
! NORM:Normal
Subroutine flux1d(UP,UC,NORM,Flux,S)
Implicit None
double precision, intent(in) :: UP(3), UC(3),NORM, S
double precision, intent(out) :: Flux(3)
double precision :: VN
VN = UP(2) * NORM
Flux(1) = UP(1) * VN * S
Flux(2) = (UP(1) * UP(2)* VN + UP(3) * NORM) * S
Flux(3) = (UC(3) + UP(3)) * VN * S
End subroutine flux1d
!Subroutine to calculate Roe matrix
! UPL :Primitive Variable left
! UPR :Primitive Variable right
! UCL :Conservative Variable left
! UCR :Conservative Variable Right
! NORM:Normal
! Aroe: ROe matrix in conservative variables
Subroutine roematrix(UPL,UCL,UPR,UCR,NORM,Aroe,S)
use constants
Implicit None
double precision, intent(in) :: UPL(3),UCL(3),UPR(3),UCR(3),NORM, S
double precision, intent(out) :: Aroe(3,3)
double precision :: DensRoe, Uroe, Hl,Hr, Hroe,croe,L1,L2,L3,delta
double precision :: left(3,3),right(3,3),eigen(3,3)
!Calculate Roe averaged variables (Density,Velocity,Enthalpy)
DensRoe = sqrt(UPL(1))*sqrt(UPR(1))
Uroe = (sqrt(UPL(1)) * UPL(2) + sqrt(UPR(1)) * UPR(2)) / ( sqrt(UPL(1)) + sqrt(UPR(1)) )
Hl = (UCL(3)/S + UPL(3))/UPL(1)
Hr = (UCR(3)/S + UPR(3))/UPR(1)
Hroe = (sqrt(UPL(1)) * Hl + sqrt(UPR(1)) * Hr) / ( sqrt(UPL(1)) + sqrt(UPR(1)) )
croe = sqrt( GAMM1 * (Hroe - 0.5d0 * Uroe**2) )
!Get left and right eigenvectors in conservative form
call leftrightcons(DensRoe,croe,Uroe,left,right)
eigen = 0.d0
!Harten's entropy fix and fill eigenvalue matrix
delta = 0.1d0 * 0.5d0*Croe
if ( L1 = (L1**2 + delta**2) / (2 * delta)
if ( L2 = (L2**2 + delta**2) / (2 * delta)
if ( L3 = (L3**2 + delta**2) / (2 * delta)
eigen(1,1)= L1
eigen(2,2)= L2
eigen(3,3)= L3
!get Roe matrix
Aroe = matmul(right,eigen)
Aroe = matmul(Aroe,left)
End Subroutine roematrix
!Subroutine to calculate left and right eigenvectors in conservative form
Subroutine leftrightcons(Dens,C,U,left,right)
use constants
Implicit None
double precision, intent(in) :: Dens,U,C
double precision, intent(out):: left(3,3),right(3,3)
left(1,1) = 1.d0 - 0.5d0 * GAMM1 * U**2/C**2
left(1,2) = GAMM1 * U /C**2
left(1,3) = -GAMM1/C**2
left(2,1) = (0.5d0*GAMM1*U**2 - U*C) * (1.d0/(Dens*C))
left(2,2) = (C - GAMM1*U) *(1.d0/(Dens*C))
left(2,3) = GAMM1/(Dens*C)
left(3,1) = -(0.5d0*GAMM1*U**2 + U*C) * (1.d0/(Dens*C))
left(3,2) = (C + GAMM1*U) *(1.d0/(Dens*C))
left(3,3) = -GAMM1/(Dens*C)
right(1,1) = 1.d0
right(1,2) = 0.5d0 * Dens/C
right(1,3) = -0.5d0 * Dens/C
right(2,1) = U
right(2,2) = 0.5d0 * (U+C) * Dens/C
right(2,3) =-0.5d0 * (U-C) * Dens/C
right(3,1) = 0.5d0 * U**2
right(3,2) = (0.5d0 * U**2 + U*C + C**2/GAMM1) * 0.5d0 * Dens/C
right(3,3) =-(0.5d0 * U**2 - U*C + C**2/GAMM1) * 0.5d0 * Dens/C
End Subroutine leftrightcons```