And you were totally correct!
However, I’m not getting output beyond the original note.
I believe I have set it all correctly and run it accordingly, but all I got was this…
gfortran -g dummymain.f90 && ./a.out > dummymain.lst
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG
Happy to share the code, just that it is a little long; but here goes…
module stellar_values
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MJ = 4000
integer, parameter :: MH = 4
integer, parameter :: ME = 9
integer, parameter :: MTAU = 20000
double precision, parameter :: sig = 5.67051d-5
double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265359d0
double precision, parameter :: grav = 6.6704d-8
double precision, parameter :: cc = 2.99792458d10
double precision, parameter :: hmass = 1.6732d-24
double precision, parameter :: xm_sun = 1.989d33 ! Solar Mass (g)
double precision, parameter :: r_sun = 6.9599d10 ! Solar Radius (cm)
double precision, parameter :: xl_sun = 3.83d33 ! Solar Luminosity (erg/s)
double precision, parameter :: yr = 3.1556736d7 ! yr in sec
double precision, parameter :: xmdot_sunyr = 6.30268d25 ! acc. Rate in M_sun/yr
end module
module dummy_routines
subroutine record_time(sf)
character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: sf
character (100) :: sf_
character (8) :: curdate = "000000:00"
character (10) :: curtime = "000000:00"
logical :: fileexist = .FALSE.
real, save :: start = 0.00
real, save :: finish = 0.00
if (present(sf)) then
sf_ = sf
sf_ = "begin"
end if
inquire (file = "data.lst", exist = fileexist)
if (fileexist) then
open(7, file = "data.lst", status = "old", position = "append")
open(7, file = "data.lst", status = "new")
end if
call date_and_time(DATE = curdate, TIME = curtime)
if (sf_ == "begin") then
write (7, *) "Date of run (yyyymmdd) = ", curdate
write (7, *) "Time of run (hhmmss.mmm) = ", curtime
call cpu_time (start)
call cpu_time (finish)
open (7, file = "data.lst", position = "append")
write (7, *) "Execution time (s) = ", finish - start
end if
call flush (7)
close (7)
end subroutine
end module
program main
use stellar_values, only: xm_sun
use dummy_routines
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64
use, intrinsic :: ieee_exceptions
implicit none
double precision :: acc = 0.0 ! accretion rate (real)
double precision :: accL = 0.0
double precision :: acon = 0.0
double precision :: alpha = 0.0
double precision :: corL = 0.0
double precision :: corM = 9.94373e31 ! Core mass
double precision :: corR = 0.0
double precision :: decel = 0.0
double precision :: decelr = 0.0
double precision :: deetee = 1.0 / 3.0d04
double precision :: divpart = 0.0
double precision :: dtime = 1.052e9
double precision :: epsilon = 0.3
double precision :: fburst = 0.9
double precision :: finalmass = 1.0 ! final mass as multiple of solar mass
double precision :: fluxM
double precision :: fluxM1 = 0.0
double precision :: fluxM2 = 0.0
double precision :: fluxmin = 0.0
double precision :: fluxold = 0.0
double precision :: fsolmass = 1.0 ! target solar mass
double precision :: grav = 0.0
double precision :: initialrate = 0.0
double precision :: mdotstar = 0.0
double precision :: mdotstarramped = 0.0
double precision :: mdotzero = 0.0
double precision :: numru
double precision :: rateunit = 0.0 ! accretion per year
double precision :: smass = 0.0
double precision :: taueee = 0.0
double precision :: tauf = 0.0
double precision :: taur = 0.0
double precision :: tburst = 0.0
double precision :: teeaye = 0.0
double precision :: tnaught = 1.0d06
double precision :: tostar = 0.0 ! initial accretion rate
double precision :: totL = 0.0
double precision :: tpeak
double precision :: yearins = 3.1556736d7 ! year in seconds
real :: time = 0.
integer :: accmethod = 1 ! Selected method
integer :: iacc = 3000 ! accretion rate (integer)
integer :: i = 0
integer :: ic = 30
integer :: im = 10
integer :: im1 = 0
integer :: iprint = 1 ! STELCOR write frequency
integer :: late_evolve = 30001 ! Point when late evolution begins
integer :: steps = 30000 ! Total steps
character (1) :: temp1 = ""
logical :: massonly = .true.
acc = real(iacc)
tburst = 1. / real(im)
im1 = im - 1
finalmass = fsolmass * xm_sun
rateunit = xm_sun / yearins
tostar = (tnaught / steps) * acc
call ieee_set_halting_mode(ieee_overflow, .true.)
if (command_argument_count() == 1) then
call get_command_argument(1, temp1)
if (temp1 == '1') then
massonly = .true.
call record_time("begin")
if (accmethod == 1) then
divpart = tostar * (1.0 - epsilon)
initialrate = fsolmass / divpart
mdotzero = initialrate * rateunit
mdotstar = mdotzero * (1.0 - epsilon)
mdotstarramped = mdotstar / 900.0
fluxM1 = (1. - fburst) / (1. - tburst) * mdotstar
fluxM2 = fburst / tburst * mdotstar
fluxold = 0.0
else if (accmethod == 2) then
alpha = 1.75 ! As defined in Smith (2014)
acon = (exp(1.0) / alpha)**alpha
tostar = 2.0d04 ! 100kyr standard evolution
mdotzero = (2.d4/tostar) * rateunit * 2.7184d-5 * fsolmass
mdotstar = mdotzero * (1.0 - epsilon)
fluxmin = rateunit * 1.0d-10
fluxold = rateunit * 1.0d-08
else if (accmethod == 3) then
tostar = (tnaught / steps) * acc
initialrate = rateunit * fsolmass * 2.5 / tostar
mdotstar = initialrate * (1. - epsilon)
decel = 1.05
decelr = 1.0 / (decel - 1.0)
fluxmin = rateunit * 1.0d-08
fluxold = rateunit * 1.0d-07
else if (accmethod == 4) then
tostar = 1.0d5
mdotzero = rateunit * 1.9804d-05 * fsolmass
mdotstar = mdotzero * (1.0 - epsilon)
tauf = 0.5 * (tostar / tnaught)
taur = 0.1 * tauf
taueee = exp(2.0 * sqrt(taur/tauf))
fluxmin = rateunit * 1.0d-09
fluxold = rateunit * 1.0d-09
do i = 1, steps
if (i < late_evolve) then
if (accmethod == 1) then
if(i <= 30 .and. i <= iacc) then
fluxM = mdotstarramped * (i * i)
else if (i > 30 .and. i <= iacc) then
if (mod(i/ic,im) == im1) then
fluxM = fluxM2
fluxM = fluxM1
end if
fluxM = rateunit * 1.0d-08
end if
else if (accmethod == 2) then
tpeak = real(i) * deetee * tnaught / tostar
teeaye = tpeak**(-alpha)
fluxM = mdotstar * acon * teeaye * exp(-1.0 / tpeak)
fluxM1 = (1. - fburst) / (1. - tburst) * fluxM
fluxM2 = fburst / tburst * fluxM
if (i <= 30 .AND. i <= iacc) then
fluxM = fluxM
else if (i > 30 .AND. i <= iacc) then
if (mod(i / ic, im) == im1) then
fluxM = fluxM2
fluxM = fluxM1
end if
end if
if (i > iacc .and. fluxM <= fluxmin) then
fluxM = fluxmin
end if
else if (accmethod == 3) then
tpeak = real(i) * deetee * tnaught / tostar
fluxM = mdotstar * tpeak
fluxM1 = (1. - fburst) / (1. - tburst) * fluxM
fluxM2 = fburst / tburst * fluxM
if (i <= 30 .and. i <= iacc) then
fluxM = fluxM
else if (i > 30 .and. i <= iacc) then
if (mod(i/ic,im) == im1) then
fluxM = fluxM2
fluxM = fluxM1
end if
else if (i > iacc) then
fluxM = decelr * mdotstar * (decel - tpeak)
else if (tpeak > decel) then
fluxM = 1.0d17
end if
else if (accmethod == 4) then
tpeak = real(i) * deetee
fluxM = mdotstar * taueee
fluxM = fluxM * exp(-taur / tpeak)
fluxM = fluxM * exp(-tpeak / tauf)
fluxM1 = (1. - fburst) / (1. - tburst) * fluxM
fluxM2 = fburst / tburst * fluxM
if (i <= 30 .and. i <= iacc) then
fluxM = fluxM
else if (i > 30 .and. i <= iacc) then
if (mod(i/ic,im) == im1) then
fluxM = fluxM1
end if
fluxM = fluxM2
end if
if (i > iacc .and. fluxM < fluxmin) then
fluxM = fluxmin
end if
end if
else if (i == late_evolve) then
fluxM = 0.001 * fluxold
fluxold = 0.001 * fluxold
dtime = 1.00025 * dtime
dtime = 1.00025 * dtime
end if
time = time + dtime
CorM = CorM + dtime * 0.5 * (fluxM + fluxold)
if (massonly .eqv. .false.) then
! call stelcor(CorM, CorR, CorL, fluxM, time, iprint)
end if
accL = 0.75 * grav * CorM * fluxM / CorR
fluxold = fluxM
totL = accL + CorL
smass = CorM / xm_sun
if (massonly .eqv. .false.) then
write(6,201) i, time, dtime, CorM, CorR, CorL, totL, fluxM, smass
write(6,202) i, time, dtime, CorM, fluxM, smass
call record_time("end")
201 format(' HYDRO OUTPUT: ', 1i5, 1p, 7d15.5, 0p, 1f12.7)
202 format(' HYDRO OUTPUT: ', 1i5, 1p, 4d15.5, 0p, 1f12.7)
end program