I’m aware of that.
This is the program:
program ch41_dislin_01
use dislin
implicit none
integer :: i, j
! Total number of processors and hence data
! points
integer, parameter :: nprocs = 8
! Number of percentage values from
! 10% -> 90% 9
! 95% 1
! Total 10
integer, parameter :: nn = 10
real, dimension (nn) :: pp = (/ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95 /)
real, dimension (nprocs) :: x
real, dimension (nprocs) :: y
real, dimension (nprocs, nn) :: ydata
integer :: nx
integer :: ny
character *30 cbuf
do i = 1, nprocs
x(i) = real(i)
end do
! Amdahl calculations. Store in 2 d array and
! then
! assign to 1 d array for plotting.
do i = 1, nprocs
do j = 1, nn
ydata(i, j) = 1/((1-pp(j))+pp(j)/i)
end do
end do
! Write the data to a file for verification
! purposes
open (unit=10, file='amdahl_table_08.txt')
do i = 1, nprocs
write (unit=10, fmt=100) x(i), ydata(i, 1:nn)
100 format (11(f7.2,2x))
end do
close (10)
call disini
call complx
call axspos(450, 1800)
call axslen(2200, 1400)
call name('Number of processors', 'x')
call name('Speed up', 'y')
call titlin('Plot of Amdahls Law', 1)
call titlin('8 Processors', 3)
call labdig(-1, 'x')
call ticks(10, 'xy')
call graf(1.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 7.0, 1.0, 1.0)
call title
call xaxgit
call chncrv('line')
! Plot the curves. Copy from 2 d array to 1 d
! array
! before the call to curve.
do i = 1, nn
y = ydata(1:nprocs, i)
call curve(x, y, nprocs)
end do
call legini(cbuf, 10, 3)
! Coordinates of the start of the legend
! for the curves.
nx = 500
ny = 450
call legpos(nx, ny)
call leglin(cbuf, '10%', 1)
call leglin(cbuf, '20%', 2)
call leglin(cbuf, '30%', 3)
call leglin(cbuf, '40%', 4)
call leglin(cbuf, '50%', 5)
call leglin(cbuf, '60%', 6)
call leglin(cbuf, '70%', 7)
call leglin(cbuf, '80%', 8)
call leglin(cbuf, '90%', 9)
call leglin(cbuf, '95%', 10)
call legtit('legend')
call legend(cbuf, 3)
call disfin
end program
As a result I get a met file: ‘dislin.met’ and a text file ‘amdahl_table.txt’.
I suppose the met file contains all the information to generate a plot.
My question is: how can I produce a plot. I tried call metafl(‘PDF’) to no avail.