Dislin plotting library

The Dislin plotting library is free to use now.


Sorry for a lazy question, can Dislin show plot in real time?
I mean if I run a program, it continuously output pairs of (x,y) to a say, txt file, can Dislin plot (x,y) in real time from the txt file?
Or do I have to wait until all the (x,y) has been generated, then use Dislin to plot them?

By the way, the topic by @Beliavsky seems may of help,


Your question is a very valid question. I had the same question a few months ago. The answer is Yes. It shows the continuous plot during the evolution of the system. All plots are printed on the console by default and can be saved with HQ graphics at a run time too. If you have an example you may share here and I can try it. Else, you can join the google group of DISLIN dislin-users@googlegroups.com. The author of the DISLIN library is very active and replies fast.
Another way is to get a support contract and get direct help for all types of issues you are facing with plotting.


The installation guide (Windows 10) for the Dislin plotting library:


Single statement 7 DISLIN graphical routines.

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