HPC and GPU programming

I received this email and I’ve copied it as it may be of interest to some people,

Dear ARCHER2 Users,

We are pleased to announce that the GPU Development Platform is now available to ARCHER2 users. Details on how to access and use the GPU nodes can be found in the ARCHER2 documentation at:


There was also a webinar from the ARCHER2 CSE service at EPCC and the HPE Centre of Excellence covering the GPU Development Platform yesterday afternoon and the recording of this session is available on the ARCHER2 website at:


A very short summary of the GPU Development Platform:

  • The small GPU resource is targeted at testing and development, rather than running production research calculations

  • 4 nodes each with 4 AMD MI210 GPU connected together by Slingshot interconnect

  • Compiling for the GPU is through the HPE Programming Environment on the ARCHER2 login nodes, serial data analysis nodes and GPU nodes

  • Submit jobs to the GPU nodes from the ARCHER2 login nodes via Slurm

  • Any user with a positive CU budget can use the GPU nodes, there is no charge for GPU node use

A reminder that there is an eCSE call currently open to access funding for software development effort specifically for enabling use of GPU. You can find more details of this call at:


If you have any questions on the GPU Development Platform or the eCSE call, then please contact the ARCHER2 Service Desk: support@archer2.ac.uk


Andy Turner

ARCHER2 Service Desk Team


Looks interesting.



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