GSoC 2024 Applicant: Interested in "vscode integration with fpm (vscode-fortran-support)"

Hello Fortran Community,

I have opened this topic to express my interest in participating as a contributor in the GSoC 2024 by spending my summer on the vscode integration with fpm (vscode-fortran-support) project under @gnikit mentorship.

I’m a first year master student of AI in Austria, Studying at JKU - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Previously, I have worked around 3 years as QAE (JavaScript) and Frontend Developer (TypeScript).

I am particularly excited about this opportunity to learn and hone my skills. I believe that my prior experience as a Junior Software Developer makes me a strong candidate for contribution to the development of the project.

I look forward to discussing my qualifications further and learning more about the project and for the first step I’d like to kindly ask you to suggest an issue for the patch requirements.


Kind regards,
Mahdi Khashan

Thanks for showing interest @nanoman and welcome to Fortran-lang.
Your past experience and qualifications are very impressive and seem like a good fit for the project.

I would start by having a read over the GSoC Contributing Guidelines for Fortran-lang and maybe familiarise yourself a bit with the internals of vscode-fortran-support, the vscode’s npm API packages and fpm.

Thanks for your reply @gnikit,

I checked the vscode-fortran-support project and learned fortran a bit. I will start writing my proposal and will share the draft version here for further discussions.

Could you kindly let me know an issue for the patch requirement?

Thanks for you time.