Dear all,
It’s again time to organise our next monthly call which will be in the week of May 17-21; please see the following doodle poll to mark your availability:
The final time slot will be selected and announced on the evening (European time) of Sunday May 9, please complete the poll before then .
If there are specific topics or issues you would like to raise, even if you are unable to attend the call, please post them in the thread here.
As usual, we will record this call and make it available online.
Our next monthly call will be on Thursday, May 20 at 14:00 UTC .
7:00 - 8:00 PDT (California)
15:00 - 16:00 EST (London)
16:00 - 17:00 CEST (Central Europe)
As previously, the meeting will be recorded for those who cannot attend. Please continue to use this thread for topics you would like discussed at the meeting. A Zoom invitation will follow soon.
Note: Anyone who is interested is welcome to join!
I had intended to present a demo of my GUI for fpm, but it turns out I have a work-related meeting at the same time. So that will be for another occasion.
I was going to propose to discuss GSoC and how to get involved with the students. But the meeting starts at 8am my time and I am driving kids to schools at that time. I will try to join around 8:40 or so, for the last 20 minutes.
1. Releasing consistent and timely newsletters (@milancurcic)
2. Maintaining Discourse with increasing traffic (@milancurcic)
(3. GSoC: how to get invoved with the students (@certik; if present))
Discourse page view limits and hosting options. Currently our free Discourse instance allows 50k page views per month. We now exceed that limit and expect to continue exceeding it going forward. We have an option to upgrade to the Standard Plan ($100/month) at 50% off ($50/month), or self-host. We discussed options of finding a sponsor to support the Discourse fees.
Process for timely and consistent newsletters. We’ll work toward a CI solution that will automatically open a PR with the newsletter draft on a set day of the month. Each month, a person (newsletter champion) will be in charge of making sure that the PR was correctly opened, and then fill out the rest of the newsletter with situational news and events. We’ll maintain a list of newsletter champions for each month in a wiki.