I am working on code that has overloaded the concat operator // to convert numbers into strings. It works fine with gfortran but ifort has a problem with this:
str = "foo" // i + j // "bar"
According to the Fortran Standard + has a higher precedence than //. And even if you consider // to be an extension when using it with something other than characters, it should even have the lowest precedence.
Using parentheses solves the issue but I think they should be optional.
I checked with a minimal example and could not reproduce. Will have a look what differs in the big code.
This minimal working example works with gfortran but not with ifort:
program concat_plus
! check if program compiles with + having higher precedence than //
implicit none
interface operator(//)
procedure :: concat_str_int, concat_int_str
end interface operator(//)
write(*,*) "foo1234bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // "1234" // "bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // 1234
write(*,*) 1234 // "bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // 1234 // "bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // 1200 + 0034
write(*,*) 1200 + 0034 // "foo"
write(*,*) "foo" // 1200 + 0034 // "bar"
! not a correct implementation
function concat_int_str(int, str) result(res)
integer, intent(in) :: int
character(*), intent(in) :: str
character(4+len(str)) :: res
res = "1234" // str
end function concat_int_str
! not a correct implementation
function concat_str_int(str, int) result(res)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
integer, intent(in) :: int
character(len(str)+4) :: res
res = str // "1234"
end function concat_str_int
end program concat_plus
$ ifort concat_plus.f90 -o concat.i
concat_plus.f90(14): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
write(*,*) "foo" // 1200 + 0034
concat_plus.f90(14): error #6549: An arithmetic or LOGICAL type is required in this context.
write(*,*) "foo" // 1200 + 0034
concat_plus.f90(16): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
write(*,*) "foo" // 1200 + 0034 // "bar"
concat_plus.f90(16): error #6549: An arithmetic or LOGICAL type is required in this context.
write(*,*) "foo" // 1200 + 0034 // "bar"
compilation aborted for concat_plus.f90 (code 1)
This definitely looks like a compiler bug - user-defined binary operations have the lowest priority. If you rename it to .cat. or the like it is accepted.
Does overloading // for non-character types count as // or a user-defined binary operation in terms of the Standard’s precedence table (which specifically mentions characters)?
Oh, that is a good one! I overlooked that possibility. No, I do not think an overloaded standard operation counts as that. The precedence should not be affected. Otherwise it will be very difficult to get it all right.
The term per the standard is defined operation, specifically a binary defined operation.
Regardless with your specific example, the + operator has higher precedence per the standard than the concatenation operation which Intel appears to ignore.
Hence you may want to inquire with Intel Support e.g., at their forum and get their feedback.
I incorrectly stated the standard labels what it calls a binary defined operation as defined-binary-op. Per the standard, “A binary defined operation is an operation that has the form x1 defined-binary-op x2 or x1 intrinsic-operator x2 and that is defined by a function and a generic interface.”
I then incorrectly connected the rules in the standard toward precedence with defined-binary-op with those of the intrinsic-operator for concatenation.
Out of curiosity I tried it with .true. .and. .true., now both gfortran and ifort complain. And it looks like gfortran counts this as the intrinsic //.
program concat_and
! check if program compiles with .and. having higher precedence than //
implicit none
interface operator(//)
procedure :: concat_str_lval, concat_lval_str
end interface operator(//)
write(*,*) "fooTbar"
write(*,*) "foo" // "T" // "bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // .true.
write(*,*) .true. // "bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. // "bar"
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true.
write(*,*) .true. .and. .true. // "foo"
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true. // "bar"
! not a correct implementation
function concat_lval_str(lval, str) result(res)
logical, intent(in) :: lval
character(*), intent(in) :: str
character(1+len(str)) :: res
res = "T" // str
end function concat_lval_str
! not a correct implementation
function concat_str_lval(str, lval) result(res)
character(*), intent(in) :: str
logical, intent(in) :: lval
character(len(str)+1) :: res
res = str // "T"
end function concat_str_lval
end program concat_and
$ gfortran concat_and.f90 -o concat_and.g
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true.
Error: Operands of logical operator ‘.and.’ at (1) are CHARACTER(1)/LOGICAL(4)
write(*,*) .true. .and. .true. // "foo"
Error: Operands of logical operator ‘.and.’ at (1) are LOGICAL(4)/CHARACTER(1)
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true. // "bar"
Error: Operands of logical operator ‘.and.’ at (1) are CHARACTER(1)/CHARACTER(1)
$ ifort concat_and.f90 -o concat_and.i
concat_and.f90(15): error #6385: The highest data type rank permitted is INTEGER(KIND=8).
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true.
concat_and.f90(15): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true.
concat_and.f90(16): error #6385: The highest data type rank permitted is INTEGER(KIND=8).
write(*,*) .true. .and. .true. // "foo"
concat_and.f90(16): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
write(*,*) .true. .and. .true. // "foo"
concat_and.f90(17): error #6385: The highest data type rank permitted is INTEGER(KIND=8).
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true. // "bar"
concat_and.f90(17): error #6385: The highest data type rank permitted is INTEGER(KIND=8).
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true. // "bar"
concat_and.f90(17): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true. // "bar"
concat_and.f90(17): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
write(*,*) "foo" // .true. .and. .true. // "bar"
compilation aborted for concat_and.f90 (code 1)
R1023 defined-binary-op is . letter [ letter ] … .
There is no way that // can be interpreted as a defined-binary-op. These are syntax rules, and // is its own syntax term that appears in:
R1010 level-3-expr is [ level-3-expr concat-op ] level-2-expr
R1011 concat-op is //
That you extended the intrinsic with your own generic procedure does not magically make the intrinsic operator a defined-binary-op. Therefore, its precedence is unchanged.