Unable to search fpm registry

I visited the official fpm registry and tried searching, for example, for json. I hit search, and the wheel spins indefinitely:

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe I need to be logged in, but I am also unable to login. I registered an account, but the log in and forgot password buttons are unresponsive. I’ve tried a few different browsers and devices.

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We have disabled the registry for now. We ran a public beta during the summer, received feedback and we are in the process of implementing the feedback back to the registry.
Hopefully soon we will setup a more permanent version of the registry, so stay tuned!


Thanks! That makes sense.

I’m loving fpm as a local tool for building, testing, and installing. I’m looking forward to the registry and dependency management too.

Hi @jeff.irwin , We have currently set up a dev version at: https://registry-phi.vercel.app/ , it would only not have the package verification functionality but it is the latest commit dev version. Thanks.

for testing the registry , you could refer this post: Fpm version 0.8.2 released: centralized registry playground