The NAG Fortran compiler platform support and pricing

Does the NAG compiler support Microsoft WSL? I am also interested in the compiler purchase price for US-based academic usage in education and open-source software development. This information is hard to find on the NAG website. I requested and tried to install a trial version of the NAG compiler, but NAG apparently has a strange trial expiration policy that starts not by the time of installation but by the time of the trial request. So the trial version expired before I could even install and use it.

If the price and other relevant information are sensitive and private, I would appreciate providing it in a private message (if you are a NAG team member).


For all inquiries, an email to will get the attention of the right people.

The NAG Fortran compiler in trial mode does not use internet connection and cannot communicate to NAG when you start your trial. I will forward your experience to colleagues so that people are aware of this when they request a trial licence.


Thanks, @themos, before I go to the NAG support team, do you also know if NAG supports Microsoft WSL?

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As far as I know, WSL-I does not support running 32-bit programs. Some of the NAG compiler tools are 32-bit and others 64-bit. I have not tried WSL-2.

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We have not tested the compiler under WSL. We will probably do so now that there is some interest.

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Not answering the question directly, but I use NAG Fortran (floating license) in a Docker container with Fedora Linux. This container runs on macOS, Linux and Windows. On Windows, Docker uses WSL2. I did not test NAG Fortran in the default Ubuntu for WSL2 directly.

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