The Fortran standard library project has functions to compute statistics. Should subroutines to print summary statistics be added? I have a subroutine print_stats
that I have used for many years. Here is a program that demonstrates its use.
program xstats_table
! 03/09/2021 07:10 AM calls print_stats for random variates
use kind_mod , only: dp
use statistics_mod, only: print_stats
integer, parameter :: n = 1000, ncol = 3
integer, parameter :: nacf = 2 ! # of autocorrelations to print
real(kind=dp) :: xx(n,ncol)
integer :: icol
character (len=4), parameter :: cstats(4) = ["mean","sd ","min ","max "]
call random_number(xx)
xx = xx - 0.5_dp
forall (icol=1:ncol) xx(:,icol) = xx(:,icol) * 10**(icol-1)
call print_stats(cstats,xx) ! default usage
call print_stats(cstats,xx,labels=["v1","v2","v3"],fmt_stat="(a10,1000f10.2)", &
fmt_stat_labels="(1000a10)",print_num_obs=.true.,nacf=2,fmt_header="(/,'random stats')", &
call print_stats(cstats,xx,labels=["v1","v2","v3"],stats_by_rows=.true.,fmt_header=('transposed output')")
call print_stats(cstats,xx,csv=.true.,fmt_header="()")
call print_stats(cstats,xx,good=xx>0.0_dp,fmt_header="(/,'stats for xx > 0')")
end program xstats_table
gives output
var mean sd min max
x1 0.0116 0.2916 -0.4968 0.4989
x2 -0.0519 2.9453 -4.9985 4.9732
x3 1.8740 28.2193 -49.9257 49.9813
random stats
#obs: 1000
var mean sd min max ACF_1 ACF_2
v1 0.01 0.29 -0.50 0.50 0.02 -0.02
v2 -0.05 2.95 -5.00 4.97 0.03 -0.00
v3 1.87 28.22 -49.93 49.98 -0.02 0.03
v1 v2 v3
v1 1.000 -0.032 0.016
v2 -0.032 1.000 0.052
v3 0.016 0.052 1.000
transposed output
v1 v2 v3
mean 0.0116 -0.0519 1.8740
sd 0.2916 2.9453 28.2193
min -0.4968 -4.9985 -49.9257
max 0.4989 4.9732 49.9813
stats for xx > 0
var mean sd min max
x1 0.2684 0.1373 0.0003 0.4989
x2 2.5457 1.3881 0.0178 4.9732
x3 24.7026 14.3358 0.0030 49.9813
I can’t show the print_stats
subroutine since it was written for an employer, but maybe something similar could be added to stdlib. It should work for at least 1D and 2D arrays. In the module that contains print_stats, functions have been defined to compute mean, sd, etc., and there is a SELECT CASE block that processes the string argument to determine what statistic to compute.
Has someone written something similar they can release?