Starting the fpm user documentation

The fpm documentation is now available (fully or in progress) in several languages: cn, de, es, fr. The Dutch translation (nl) is in progress although not yet online.

Note that translating is a relatively easy way to get involved in the community, easier than contributing to an existing mature code. @awvwgk has opened a discussion where you can find some advice about translation strategies.

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@vmagnin, yes, I have made good progress with the Dutch one, but after printing the pages from the preview I saw there are enough typos and inaccurate translations left. Most of these I can correct, but I cannot find the heading “Notitie” anywhere - it is in itself a correct translation of the English noun “note”, but the pages where this word is shown use the verb “note” (imperative) and I would like to change that to “merk op”. Any suggestions?


I don’t know where is the “Note” heading of the frames, but it’s not in .po files. It is generated by the framework. On my side, happily the French noun “Note” has the same meaning than in English, so I did not even notice there was a problem…

Some of the translation are provided with sphinx itself, others are from the theme we are using (sphinx-book-theme). The translation of “note” in Dutch can be found in sphinx at sphinx/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/sphinx.po, it should be possible to contribute there as well.

is there any relation between those two sites?

The content is very similar. Some sentences are identical.

Yeah, the author of the framework seems to work with them, therefore apparently two (identical) versions of the framework exist, the latter one linked has some additional branding applied. Confused me a bit as well, I decided to ignore the branded version of the framework.

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Thanks - I will try that. This problem does not occur for German? Just curious :wink: