Single column output

How to get a single column output?

The code is like this:

program column_test
    implicit none
    real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension ( 5 ) :: r
    call random_number ( r )
    print *,  r
end program column_test

Try this one!

program column_test
    implicit none
    real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension ( 5 ) :: r
    integer                             :: i
    character(*), parameter             :: newline = new_line("")

    call random_number ( r )
    print*, (r(i), newline, i=1, 5)

end program column_test
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If you’re willing to pick up a couple dependencies,

program column_test
    use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
    use iso_varying_string, only: char
    use strff, only: join, to_string, newline

    implicit none

    real(real64) :: r(5)

    call random_number(r)
    print *, char(join(to_string(r), newline))
end program

and you won’t get an extra newline at the end.

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How about using a good old format string?

program column_test
    implicit none
    real ( kind = 8 ) , dimension ( 5 ) :: r
    call random_number ( r )
    print "(g0)",  r
end program column_test

If you don’t need to handle complex file structures, formatted output is far better than tinkering with strings IMHO (also way better than C/C++)


I think “complex file structures” should be “complicated file structures” in Fortran Discourse because the meaning of “complex” in Fortran may not be what FedericoPerini had in mind.

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