Thanks to Sarthak Gupta (@gptsarthak) LFortran now has a runtime string formatting for print and write statements. We did the initial round of testing ourselves, we fixed all the bugs that we found, so we are opening it for alpha testers for this feature. If you could test it out and report any bugs that you find, we would really appreciate it.
Here is an example:
program format_06
real :: a,b,c,d
a = 123.456
b = 123.45678
c = 12.34
d = 123.45
10 format(a,a)
20 format("Success!",/,10X,A6,"World!")
30 format(4a4)
40 format(A2,4(2X,A),I3)
print *, "a", "b"
print 10, "c", "d"
print 20, "Hello 123"
write (*,30) "dancing","in","the","moonlight"
write (*,40) "ab", "cdef", "ghi", "jkl","qwerty",12
print 50 , 123,456,12345,6789
print 60, 123.456, -123.45678, 12.34, -123.45
write (*,70) -a, b, -c, d
write (*,80) -a, b, -c, d
50 format(i3,i10.5,/i6.6,2x,i3)
60 format(d10.2,d15.6,d010.2,2x,d7.2)
70 format(1pd10.2,2pd15.6,1pd010.2,2x,1pd9.2)
80 format(-1pe10.2,-2pe15.6,1pe010.2,2x,1pe9.2)
! Checking different scopes
if ( a > 0) then
print 90, "Hello "
if ( b > 0) then
write (*,100) "World!"
end if
100 format(a)
end if
90 format (a)
end program
And results in LFortran and GFortran should be identical:
$ lfortran format_06.f90
a b
Hello World!
danc thmoon
ab cdef ghi jkl qwerty 12
123 00456
012345 ***
0.12D+03 -0.123457D+03 0.12D+02 *******
-1.23D+02 12.34568D+01 -1.23D+01 1.23D+02
-0.01E+04 0.001235E+05 -1.23E+01 1.23E+02
$ gfortran format_06.f90 && ./a.out
Hello World!
danc in themoon
ab cdef ghi jkl qwerty 12
123 00456
012345 ***
0.12D+03 -0.123457D+03 0.12D+02 *******
-1.23D+02 12.34568D+01 -1.23D+01 1.23D+02
-0.01E+04 0.001235E+05 -1.23E+01 1.23E+02
You can inline the formatting string as in print "(i5, f18.10)", 4, 5.5
as well.
The formatting itself is implemented in our runtime library, in C, starting here and the functions above that: