Should tutorials on follow a consistent style for code listings?

@milancurcic, to move the conversation further, do you want to setup some repository / document and as @everythingfunctional suggested, take some code example and format it in different styles that people prefer? Let’s ensure all of us can find our favorite style represented there. That would be a huge step forward. I think we can agree on more things than we disagree. On the things we disagree, my suggestion is to not press the issue yet, but document the different approaches.

Perhaps the style will be something like:

  • use lower case
  • naming convention: …
  • use end if
  • indentation: use 2 or 4 spaces
  • when indenting, choose one of the following 4 approaches:
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • In general, be consistent with the rest of the document

As long as 99% of the community is represented in this style guide, then I would say this is a huge win.

I know some of you say, but we need to choose exactly the amount of spaces and just one indentation scheme, otherwise it will not look professional. I am not sure. But either way, having the above style guide that allows options is a huge step forward, that we can build upon later to perhaps restrict some of the options, if the community would prefer that, but let’s have that conversation about what to restrict later. Right now let’s document what the options are. I think we will be all surprised that there are not that many options in wide use, and this would provide an excellent foundation for future discussion. This is a tough problem that we will not solve immediately, and so let’s just move towards solving it eventually by doing the first step now, and understand that this is the first step of many, not the last step.

So that would be my recommendation.