Dear all:
Hopefully, this is not too far away from Fortran.
Recently I have read several papers to understand the efficiency and accuracy of simplicial interpolation compared with trilinear interpolation. It turns out that in three dimensions, there are multiple ways to decompose a cube into triangles.
I start with Weiser and Zarantonello (1988), which describes the benefit of simplicial interpolation (only requires D+1 points in D dimensional problem) and recursive implementation of simplicial interpolation. Its implementation looks like this:
function serp_3d(m, loc, wgt, vmat) result(fval)
integer, intent(in) :: m, loc(m)
real(wp), intent(in) :: vmat(:, :, :), wgt(m)
integer :: xloc(m), xloc1(m), hvec(m), i
real(wp) :: xwgt(m)
real(wp) :: fval, f0, a0, f1, a1
xwgt = 1.0_wp - wgt
call insertionSort(xwgt, hvec, m)
xloc = loc + 1 ! starting from point (1, 1, 1)
f0 = vmat(xloc(1), xloc(2), xloc(3))
a0 = f0
do i = 1, m, 1
xloc1 = xloc
xloc1(hvec(i)) = xloc1(hvec(i)) - 1
f1 = vmat(xloc1(1), xloc1(2), xloc1(3))
a1 = a0 + (1.0_wp - xwgt(i))*(f1 - f0)
xloc = xloc1
a0 = a1
f0 = f1
fval = a1
end function serp_3d
This method traces the unit cube from (1, 1, 1) gradually walks back to (0, 0, 0), and uses the sorted index on the right-hand side weight to figure out which tetrahedron the desired point is located. In Kasson, Plouffe, and Nin (1993) and Kasson (1994), this is called “diagonal extraction”, as all the tetrahedron are separated following the x = y = z diagonal line.
A similar algorithm appears in Rovatti, Borgatti, and Guerrieri (1998), the implementation now starts from point (0, 0, 0) and gradually walks to (1, 1, 1):
function serp_3d(d, loc, wgt, fmat) result(fval)
integer, intent(in) :: d, loc(d)
real(wp), intent(in) :: fmat(:, :, :), wgt(d)
integer :: xloc(d), xloc1(d), hvec(d), i
real(wp) :: xwgt(d)
real(wp) :: fval, f0, a0, f1, a1
xwgt = 1.0_wp - wgt
xloc = loc
call insertionSort_reverse(xwgt, hvec, 3)
fval = fmat(xloc(1), xloc(2), xloc(3))*(1.0_wp - xwgt(1))
xloc(hvec(1)) = xloc(hvec(1)) + 1
do i = 1, d-1, 1
fval = fval + fmat(xloc(1), xloc(2), xloc(3))*(xwgt(i) - xwgt(i+1))
xloc(hvec(i+1)) = xloc(hvec(i+1)) + 1
fval = fval + fmat(xloc(1), xloc(2), xloc(3))*xwgt(d)
end function serp_3d
I tested both with a function
pure function frost(x,y,z)
real(wp):: x, y, z, frost
intent(in):: x, y, z
frost = -1.0_wp*x + dlog(y) + 2.0_wp*(y+z)**2.0_wp
end function frost
and they give the same error compared with the true value, so I think both implementations are the same.
What’s problematic for me is the accuracy of simplicial interpolation. Here is a comparison with linear interpolation:
absolute error with cube: 8.6531889356791680E-002
absolute error with simplex: 0.14751192565441329
And here is the elapsed time between cube and simplex over 1000 randomly generated interpolating points:
error from 1000 approximations is 0.092995968
recursive elapsed time: 0.0000358630 seconds.
error from 1000 approximations is 0.132277268
simplex interpolation elapsed 0.0000864090 seconds.
Extra error caused by serp compared with lerp: 42.2397886346%
Somehow it is slower and less accurate in 3D.
Will there be any other way to bisect a cube into tetrahedrons that give higher accuracy and less elapsed time? If so, how to implement them in Fortran?
Thank you so much!
Hui-Jun Chen