Promoting Fortran in non-English languages

I have been working with sphinx for a while now to explore whether or not it is a viable alternative to jekyll. The advantage in sphinx would be that we have localization support through gettext via pybabel, which is a huge step up from what we can do in jekyll.

Reworking a complete webpage for a new static side generator is quite a task, but so far sphinx seems to offer everything we need to generate the fortran-lang webpage.

Here is a screenshot of the main page build with sphinx locally:

Not perfect though, but quite nice considering that I haven’t wrote a single line raw HTML for this result (the current jekyll main page is HTML + liquid templating). Sphinx provides some quite powerful mechanisms here, which allow to directly build page layouts with bootstrap CSS in restructuredtext or myst-markdown.

The localization would be done via po files generated by pybabel from rst and md sources, but I haven’t gotten to a point where I can seriously test this yet.