Overloading functions with optional arguments

Continuing the discussion from 202X feature: Conditional Expressions:

@awvwgk’s ifthen code and the variations on it are a nice idea, but I believe they’re going to run into an issue I asked about on stack overflow a while ago. To summarise my SO post:

I do not believe it is possible to write a set of functions fun which can be called in the following ways:

type :: FooType
end type

type :: BarType
end type

type(FooType), allocatable :: foo ! An unallocated constant
type(BarType), allocatable :: bar ! An unallocated constant

call fun()          ! No argument
call fun(foo)       ! A FooType argument which is not present()
call fun(FooType()) ! A FooType argument which is present()
call fun(bar)       ! A BarType argument which is not present()
call fun(BarType()) ! A BarType argument which is present()

Writing a function fun with a type(FooType), optional argument and another with a type(BarType), optional argument is not allowed because the two are ambiguous. And any attempt to resolve the ambiguity disallows passing arguments which are named but not present(), like the second and fourth cases above.

The only solution I could find previously was using a class(*), optional argument, but obviously this introduces new problems.

Can anyone come up with a nice solution to this problem using existing Fortran? Or perhaps a change to the language which would make this possible?

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How about:

interface foo
    procedure fun_no_arg, fun_foo, fun_bar, fun_foo_bar
end interface
subroutine fun_no_arg() 
   call fun_complete()
end subroutine fun_no_arg
subroutine fun_foo( foo )
   call fun_complete( foo )
end subroutine fun_foo
subroutine fun_bar( bar )
   call fun_complete( bar )
end subroutine fun_bar
subroutine fun_foo_bar( foo, bar )
   call fun_complete( foo, bar )
end subroutine fun_foo_bar
subroutine fun_complete( foo, bar )
   optional :: foo, bar
end subroutine fun_complete

Of course it is verbose, but otherwise it is straightforward.


Interesting idea. Is it standard compliant to pass a non-present argument through a function whose argument is not optional in this way?

I tested the idea with a simple but complete program - I needed to make one additional change to the above:
call fun_complete( bar=bar ), because otherwise the first optional argument is assumed. Both gfortran and Intel Fortran oneAPI accept the attached program and do not complain when asked to verify it against the F2018 standard.

! fun_foo_bar.f90 --
!     Disambiguatie subroutines with optional arguments
module fun_ambiguous

implicit none

interface fun
    procedure fun_no_arg, fun_foo, fun_bar, fun_foo_bar
end interface


subroutine fun_no_arg()
   call fun_complete()
end subroutine fun_no_arg
subroutine fun_foo( foo )
   real :: foo
   call fun_complete( foo )
end subroutine fun_foo
subroutine fun_bar( bar )
   integer :: bar
   call fun_complete( bar = bar )
end subroutine fun_bar
subroutine fun_foo_bar( foo, bar )
   real :: foo
   integer :: bar
   call fun_complete( foo, bar )
end subroutine fun_foo_bar
subroutine fun_complete( foo, bar )
   real, optional :: foo
   integer, optional :: bar

   if ( present(foo) ) then
       write(*,*) 'foo present'
   if ( present(bar) ) then
       write(*,*) 'bar present'
   write(*,*) 'fun_complete done'
end subroutine fun_complete

end module fun_ambiguous

! test --
program test_fun_ambiguous
    use fun_ambiguous

    call fun( 1.0 )
    call fun( 42 )
    call fun( 1.0, 42 )
end program test_fun_ambiguous

But with this kind of interface you don’t have the possibility to pass an unallocated variable or unassociated pointer to the optional dummy argument.

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Hm, I must have misunderstood the question. But why would the association or allocation status matter? Isn’t it the presence of the argument that is important here?

@Arjen it’s because an unallocated allocatable or a unassociated pointer can be passed to an optional argument and count as not present.

@awvwgk I initially thought the same; but @Arjen’s solution does seem to work with both gfortran and ifort, even for unallocated arguments.

Simplifying @Arjen’s idea slightly, the code

module test
  implicit none

  type :: FooType
  end type

  type :: BarType
  end type

  interface fun
    procedure fun_no_arg, fun_foo, fun_bar
  end interface
  subroutine fun_no_arg()
    write(*,*) 'no arg'
  end subroutine
  subroutine fun_foo(arg)
    type(FooType) :: arg
    call fun_foo_(arg)
  end subroutine fun_foo
  subroutine fun_foo_(arg)
    type(FooType), optional :: arg
    write(*,*) 'foo', present(arg)
  end subroutine
  subroutine fun_bar(arg)
    type(BarType) :: arg
    call fun_bar_(arg)
  end subroutine fun_bar
  subroutine fun_bar_(arg)
    type(BarType), optional :: arg
    write(*,*) 'bar', present(arg)
  end subroutine
end module

program p
  use test
  type(FooType), allocatable :: foo ! An unallocated constant
  type(BarType), allocatable :: bar ! An unallocated constant

  write(*,*) 'fun()'
  call fun()          ! No argument
  write(*,*) 'fun(foo)'
  call fun(foo)       ! A FooType argument which is not present()
  write(*,*) 'fun(FooType())'
  call fun(FooType()) ! A FooType argument which is present()
  write(*,*) 'fun(bar)'
  call fun(bar)       ! A BarType argument which is not present()
  write(*,*) 'fun(BarType())'
  call fun(BarType()) ! A BarType argument which is present()
end program

writes the output

 no arg
 foo F
 foo T
 bar F
 bar T

So it seems to be working as intended, although I have no idea if this is standard compliant.

@veryreverie Oh, that subtlety had escaped me :slight_smile:

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Taking NAG as most standard compliant compiler I have around for checking, looks like it is not:

❯ nagfor opt.f90 -g -f2018 -C=all && ./a.out 
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 7.0(Yurakucho) Build 7050
[NAG Fortran Compiler normal termination]
 no arg
Runtime Error: opt.f90, line 47: ALLOCATABLE FOO is not currently allocated
Program terminated by fatal error
Aborted (core dumped)
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Not quite what you wanted, but this is ok’ed by NAG compiler (with full runtime checks).

module m_type
  type, abstract :: AbstrType
  end type
  type, extends(AbstrType) :: FooType
  end type
  type, extends(AbstrType) :: BarType
  end type
end module m_type

program test
  use m_type
  type(FooType), allocatable :: foo ! An unallocated constant
  type(BarType), allocatable :: bar ! An unallocated constant

  print '(A)','fun()'
  call fun()          ! No argument
  print '(A)','fun(foo)'
  call fun(foo)       ! A FooType argument which is not present()
  print '(A)','fun(FooType())'
  call fun(FooType()) ! A FooType argument which is present()
  print '(A)','fun(bar)'
  call fun(bar)       ! A BarType argument which is not present()
  print '(A)','fun(BarType())'
  call fun(BarType()) ! A BarType argument which is present()

    subroutine fun(t)
      use m_type
      class(AbstrType), optional::t
      Logical ::is_present
      is_present = present(t)
      If (is_present) Then 
        Select Type (t)
        Type Is (FooType)
          print '(A,1X,L1,1X,A)',"ok", is_present, "Foo"
        Type Is (BarType)
          print '(A,1X,L1,1X,A)',"ok", is_present, "Bar"
        Class Default
          print '(A,1X,L1)',"ok", is_present, "Other"
        End Select
        print '(A,1X,L1)',"ok", is_present
      End If
    end subroutine fun
  end program


ok F
ok F
ok T Foo
ok F
ok T Bar
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The Intel compiler produces this variant output

ok T Foo
ok T Bar

and gfortran produces the same as NAG.

Thanks @themos. This is similar to the class(*) solution I eventually gave to my original stack overflow question.

It certainly solves the problem in some cases, but it doesn’t feel like an ideal solution. e.g. it would be nice to overload fun on a case-by-case basis each time a new type is defined. And this solution doesn’t work for intrinsic types. Still, it’s better than anything I had so far, so thank you.

I think the variant behaviour of the Intel compiler is down to a known bug in ifort where present() is evaluated incorrectly for class arguments. I submitted a similar bug report to them a few months back.

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For whatever it’s worth, my read of the standard is the procedure reference to fun (call fun(foo)) with an actual argument that is an unallocated allocatable object foo whereas the dummy argument is not optional does not conform. However, if I’m not mistaken, there doesn’t appear to be a numbered constraint against this, thus the processor is not required to issue a diagnostic and this is one of those instances that fall under the realm of programmer responsibility.

On the larger point about striving toward standard Fortran code to define a function that can mimic existing or future intrinsic capabilities, please note as of now, it’s an exercise in futility. The language has certain critical gaps and lacks enough in flexibility when it comes to generics, overloading, etc. that prevents the full realization of modern and compact and reusable Fortran library code in the burgeoning complexity of scientific and technical computing apps.


I didn’t know about this. I just tried it:

program opt
  implicit none
  integer, allocatable :: a
  print *, allocated(a), is_present(a)
  print *, allocated(a), is_present(a)
  logical function is_present(a)
    integer, allocatable, intent(in), optional :: a
    is_present = present(a)
  end function is_present
end program opt

GFortran-8.3.0 gives me:

 F T
 T T

Should the output be

 F F
 T T

instead? I didn’t think so.

The dummy argument can’t be an allocatable or pointer. Then when you pass in an unallocated allocatable it is treated as absent.

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In which section of the standard is that restriction? I can’t seem to find it.

A dummy argument or an entity that is host associated with a dummy argument is not present if the dummy argument
  • does not correspond to an actual argument,
  • corresponds to an actual argument that is not present, or
  • does not have the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute, and corresponds to an actual argument that
    – has the ALLOCATABLE attribute and is not allocated, or
    – has the POINTER attribute and is disassociated;
otherwise, it is present.

Thank you!

Here is a solution that limits what you can do a little but doesn’t need any workarounds to provide the functionality of your example.

module types
type :: FooType

type :: BarType

interface FooType
   module procedure foo_create

interface BarType
   module procedure bar_create

interface fun
   module procedure noarg_fun
   module procedure foo_fun
   module procedure bar_fun


subroutine noarg_fun()
   print *, 'fun()'

function foo_create() result(constructed)
   type(FooType), allocatable :: constructed

subroutine foo_fun(foo)
   type(FooType), allocatable, intent(in) :: foo
   if(allocated(foo)) then
      print *, 'fun(FooType())'
      print *, 'fun(foo)'

function bar_create() result(constructed)
   type(BarType), allocatable :: constructed

subroutine bar_fun(bar)
   type(BarType), allocatable, intent(in) :: bar
   if(allocated(bar)) then
      print *, 'fun(BarType())'
      print *, 'fun(bar)'
endmodule types

program test
use types
type(FooType), allocatable :: foo ! An unallocated constant
type(BarType), allocatable :: bar ! An unallocated constant

call fun()          ! No argument
call fun(foo)       ! A FooType argument which is not allocated
call fun(FooType()) ! A FooType argument which is allocated
call fun(bar)       ! A BarType argument which is not allocated
call fun(BarType()) ! A BarType argument which is allocated

endprogram test
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NAG compiler complains of allocatable function result used in function reference with an allocatable dummy.

8.5.3 ALLOCATABLE attribute
A variable with the ALLOCATABLE attribute is a variable for which space is allocated during execution.
Only variables and components can have the ALLOCATABLE attribute. The result of referencing a function whose result variable has the ALLOCATABLE attribute is a value that does not itself have the ALLOCATABLE attribute.


NAG Fortran Compiler Release 7.0(Yurakucho) Build 7048
Warning: /tmp/c.f90, line 31: Result CONSTRUCTED of function FOO_CREATE has not been assigned a value
Warning: /tmp/c.f90, line 45: Result CONSTRUCTED of function BAR_CREATE has not been assigned a value
Error: /tmp/c.f90, line 64: Expected an ALLOCATABLE variable for argument FOO (no. 1) of FOO_FUN
Error: /tmp/c.f90, line 66: Expected an ALLOCATABLE variable for argument BAR (no. 1) of BAR_FUN

so, this variant is ok

module types
type :: FooType

type :: BarType

interface FooType
   module procedure foo_create

interface BarType
   module procedure bar_create

interface fun
   module procedure noarg_fun
   module procedure foo_fun
   module procedure bar_fun


subroutine noarg_fun()
   print *, 'fun()'

function foo_create() result(constructed)
   type(FooType), allocatable :: constructed

subroutine foo_fun(foo)
   type(FooType), allocatable, intent(in) :: foo
   if(allocated(foo)) then
      print *, 'fun(FooType())'
      print *, 'fun(foo)'

function bar_create() result(constructed)
   type(BarType), allocatable :: constructed

subroutine bar_fun(bar)
   type(BarType), allocatable, intent(in) :: bar
   if(allocated(bar)) then
      print *, 'fun(BarType())'
      print *, 'fun(bar)'
endmodule types

program test
use types
type(FooType), allocatable :: foo ! An unallocated constant
type(BarType), allocatable :: bar ! An unallocated constant
type(FooType), allocatable :: foo1 
type(BarType), allocatable :: bar1

foo1 = FooType()
bar1 = BarType()
call fun()          ! No argument
call fun(foo)       ! A FooType argument which is not allocated
call fun(foo1)      ! A FooType argument which is allocated
call fun(bar)       ! A BarType argument which is not allocated
call fun(bar1)      ! A BarType argument which is allocated

endprogram test
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