Operator overloading was a Fortran 90 thing, and the OOP facilities were added in Fortran 2003, so you have two ways to do the same thing, e.g.:
type, public :: qobj
complex(real64), allocatable :: data(:,:)
procedure, private :: mult_matrix, mult_scalar1, mult_scalar2
generic :: operator(*) => mult_matrix, mult_scalar1, mult_scalar2
procedure, private :: write_qobj
generic :: write(formatted) => write_qobj
end type
subroutine write_qobj(this, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg)
class(qobj), intent(in) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character(*), intent(in) :: iotype
integer, intent(in) :: v_list(:)
integer, intent(out) :: iostat
character(*), intent(inout) :: iomsg
end subroutine
In Fortran, type-bound procedure is the fancy way of saying method (i.e., passed object or receiver marked with class
, dynamic dispatch, etc.).
This post lists some interesting stuff related to OOP in Fortran.