Maybe you are frightened to use gtk-fortran ( because building a GUI is not so easy. But do you know you can also make computer graphics in Fortran without any GUI, using the GdkPixbuf library included in GTK ? Simply talking, a pixbuf is a 1D array containing the RGB intensities of each pixel of the image. So pixel(1)
is the red intensity (between 0 and 255) of the first pixel (top left), pixel(2)
and pixel(3)
its green and blue intensities, pixel(4)
the red intensity of the next pixel on the same line, and so on. Lines are stored one after the other in the array.
Here is an example creating a PNG file of a colored Sierpinski triangle:
program pixbuf_without_gui
use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_null_char, c_null_ptr, &
& c_f_pointer, c_char, c_int
use gdk_pixbuf, only: gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels, gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels, &
& gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride, gdk_pixbuf_new
use gtk_os_dependent, only: gdk_pixbuf_savev
implicit none
type(c_ptr) :: my_pixbuf
! We use chars because we need unsigned integers:
character(c_char), dimension(:), pointer :: pixel
integer(c_int) :: nch, rowstride, pixwidth, pixheight
integer(c_int) :: cstatus ! Command status
double precision, dimension(1:3) :: x, y
double precision :: xx, yy, diag, r
integer :: s ! Triangle vertex number
integer :: n = 300000 ! Number of points
integer :: i, p
! We create a "pixbuffer" to store the pixels of the image.
! This pixbuffer has no Alpha channel (15% faster), only RGB.
pixwidth = 800
pixheight = 800
my_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8_c_int, &
& pixwidth, pixheight)
nch = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(my_pixbuf)
rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(my_pixbuf)
print *, "Channels= ", nch, " Rowstride=", rowstride
call c_f_pointer(gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(my_pixbuf), pixel, &
& (/pixwidth*pixheight*nch/))
! The background is black (red=0, green=0, blue=0):
pixel = char(0)
! Diagonal of the image:
diag = sqrt(real(pixwidth*pixwidth + pixheight*pixheight, kind(0d0)))
! Coordinates of the triangle vertices:
x = (/ pixwidth/2d0, 0d0, (pixwidth-1)*1d0 /)
y = (/ 0d0, pixheight*sqrt(3d0)/2d0, pixheight*sqrt(3d0)/2d0 /)
! We start at an arbitrary position:
xx = (x(1) + x(2)) / 2d0
yy = (y(1) + y(2)) / 2d0
do i = 1, n
! We choose randomly a vertex number (1, 2 or 3):
call random_number(r)
s = 1 + int(3*r)
! We compute the coordinates of the new point:
xx = (xx + x(s)) / 2d0
yy = (yy + y(s)) / 2d0
! Position of the corresponding pixel in the pixbuffer:
p = 1 + nint(xx)*nch + nint(yy)*rowstride
! Red, Green, Blue values computed from the distances to vertices:
pixel(p) = char(int(255 * sqrt((xx-x(1))**2 + (yy-y(1))**2) / diag))
pixel(p+1) = char(int(255 * sqrt((xx-x(2))**2 + (yy-y(2))**2) / diag))
pixel(p+2) = char(int(255 * sqrt((xx-x(3))**2 + (yy-y(3))**2) / diag))
end do
! Save the picture as a PNG:
cstatus = gdk_pixbuf_savev(my_pixbuf, "sierpinski_triangle.png"//c_null_char,&
& "png"//c_null_char, c_null_ptr, c_null_ptr, c_null_ptr)
end program pixbuf_without_gui
If gtk-fortran is intalled, you compile and run the program:
$ gfortran pixbuf_without_gui.f90 $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk-3-fortran) && ./a.out
Channels= 3 Rowstride= 2400
No window opens, but you will find a sierpinski_triangle.png
file in the directory:
For more information, on the Sierpinski algorithm used, see: