A full discussion of the API is reported on the project’s homepage.
We are eager to receive your feedback! Best channels to do it are :
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Open Issues on the repo’s GitHub page
The Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) is also gratefully acknowledged for enabling this effort.
And goes without saying, many thanks to the Fortran-lang admins and supporters!
I have been misled by the NumPy and SciPy APIs, which work like that. There is no reason to do that in Fortran, because we can have a subroutine interface (although it has to be a different name, like x=inv(A) vs. call invert(A)).
@FedericoPerini This is amazing work! I’m going to try it out.
If I’m seeing this right, I could be able to replace link = ["lapack", "blas"] in my fpm.toml files with this library as a dependency. Then if I want to use an external lapack I can use the preprocessor directives plus the appropriate link flags to make that happen? But if I want a real128 version I don’t use the external lib and it will “just work”?
The internal implementation provides real32, real64 and real128 versions at all times via the stdlib_ prefix: so, if you are also linking to external BLAS/LAPACK, they will not collide
There is a KIND-agnostic interface in modules stdlib_linalg_blas and stdlib_linalg_lapack, for example, call gemv will work for any precisions (but no mixed-precision, i.e., real64 matrix and real32 array, yet
If macros STDLIB_EXTERNAL_BLAS and/or STDLIB_EXTERNAL_LAPACK are defined, the generalized interface will use the external library instead of the internal implementation, only for 32- and 64-bit versions
The real128 version is always available, and always points to the internal implementation
Please note that, although the 128-bit was derived by generalizing all machine constants, it has only been subject to limited testing yet, so if you have established 128-bit use cases (to derive RK or ODE method constants, for example!) and/or find issues, I’m happy to look into it and add more tests!
Thank you @fortran4r - love the idea. The library so far showcases that it is designed to easily enable linking of external implementations.
The current plan is to merge the whole API into the Fortran-lang Standard Library, so, the BLAS/LAPACK backend will be handled by CMake. Later, we will address BLAS/LAPACK dependencies for the Fortran Package Manager ecosystem, and they will be a “metapackage” i.e. similar to what CMake find_package does, so, hopefully, literally nothing to do on the user side!
@FedericoPerini I finally got around to trying this, and it is amazing! The real128 versions are working great for me (I’m only using a few routines but it’s a good sign). Terrific work!
Is the one at GitHub - perazz/fortran-lapack: Modern Fortran Linear Algebra library considered deprecated now? Should I be using what is in stdlib now? I tried it but the quad precision ones don’t seem to be there in the stdlib-fpm version? (e.g., stdlib_linalg_lapack_q.F90 is a blank file?) Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
In the meantime, if you have the main branch uptodate, you can build directly from root (without the need to branching to stdlib-fpm) with fpm and customize the fypp pre-preprocessing following these steps GitHub - fortran-lang/stdlib: Fortran Standard Library
I also noticed that. It may be that quadruple precision was originally leftover from the stdlib-fpm branch just to avoid crashing if a compiler didn’t have support. (qp is pre-processed with fypp, not with C preprocessor directives, so it can’t be templated by fpm). But which compilers don’t have 128-bit reals these days?
Note that we’ve recently added a stdlib-fpm-ilp64 branch that includes both 32- and 64-bit integer precisions. @hkvzjal: maybe, we could include --WITH_QP by default in that branch? It would make sense to me as a “feature-complete” branch.