Language Marketing for Julia compared to Fortran

Do neutron stars have atmosphere rich in electrons?

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The matter we have is multicomponent (proton, neutron and electron) with electrostatic equilibrium . We are interested in the structures generated by protons and neutrons. We will take a look at your link to generate some 3D plots.

Many thanks!


@Jameschums welcome and thanks for the links.

I am glad you like it here! :slight_smile:


I remember having read on the Discourse the idea of creating blogs for members of the Fortran-lang community, with articles that would be peer-reviewed. But I can not find the post. Is the idea still in the air? It could be a good idea to centralize Fortran blogs to give them more visibility.


@vmagnin I feel like to implement your solution there probably needs to be a small group of people that could get involved in making a “News” section on the Fortran-lang website. I was gonna suggest making some YouTube videos to drive up the marketing initiative by making beginner tutorials and “Fortran project” videos, but which one of us has the bravery :stuck_out_tongue: and time to go in front of a camera.


Yes, I like to be pushed away from the comfort zone!

You all have done a huge work.

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@vmagnin, is this the thread you mentioned?

@Aurelius_Nero, I would also include mentions of actual applications to problems solved with Fortran.

No, it was an older one (2021 I think), maybe by Milan Curcic.
But the post you cited tried also to relaunch the idea.


I have been thinking for some time now of pitching something like this to my university’s Graduate School. We already record our lectures, so technically making it freely available online should not be hard. I also believe that there is a strong case to be made why the course should be “open source” and how that would amplify its impact.

I will post an update if I have something more concrete. Although whether or not I am available to teach said course is to be seen.

Basically, I think a good way to market Fortran would be to go to the Graduate Schools of universities since researchers are some of the main users of the language.


Looking forward to it ! :slight_smile:

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@Aurelius_Nero, @vmagnin and others: we need help with the news article every month, the May issue is open here: Newsletter May 2022 by milancurcic · Pull Request #401 · fortran-lang/ · GitHub, if you were interested in helping out, we would really appreciate it.

Yes, Fortran videos, possibly from a university is another great idea.

Regarding blogs, one can do something like this:, which reposts blog posts from many people in the community, typically all posts from their personal blogs with a tag “sympy” (this is configurable).


I’ve been trying to do some of that. I’m not as prolific as I’d like to be, but something is better than nothing.


In my view, you’ve been posting quite a bit, and meaningful and high-quality content at that. It’s easy to look at some other YouTube channels and feel like it’s not a lot, but in the Fortran world your videos have been adding tremendous value in spreading the good word.


I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I’ll do my best to keep it up.


I watch your videos ! They’re great. The “why Fortran ?” video was pretty good.


Currently there are no Fortran course on Coursera :sweat_smile:.
If the course can be put on Coursera it could be great and it could be the first one!

The videos “X in 100 seconds” at the Fireship YouTube channel are well-made and get 10^5 to 10^6 views. Such a video for Fortran would be great. In C in 100 Seconds (actually 144s) the author is able to

Categorize the language, for example statically or dynamically typed.
Say what it is used for.
Say who invented it, with a picture, and when.
Describe what languages influenced it and/or what languages it influenced.
Describe the special features of the language (for C, pointers).
Explain how to install the language on your computer and name a common implementation (he mentions GCC).
Show a small example, describing the basic types and some other features.
Show how to compile and run a program.

For Fortran the features to highlight could be speed, array operations, and coarrays.

Fireship has short videos for C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, Rust, Ruby, Cobol and more.


Marketing teams are always trying to outdo themselves. They’re always looking for ways to improve their campaigns and get more customers.

Julia’s marketing team is doing a better job as compared to Fortran’s marketing team. They have been able to attract more clients due to their innovative ideas and techniques.

Fortran’s team has failed in this regard and it has resulted in them losing clients.

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“Fortran’s marketing team” - that is fictional and funny!!


There is no official, paid marketing team, but the authors of the The State of Fortran and the organizers and speakers at FortranCon could be considered members of the unofficial one. John Reid’s articles such as The New Features of Fortran 2018 are quite informative and have been reposted by others in various forums. You have often explained the latest features of the language. Marketing is a secondary aim of FortranTip.

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