Hunt the Wumpus

Does anyone know the history of the Hunt the Wumpus game?
I know I played it on the Oxford University 1905a machine in about 1975. We found a Fortran version dated from the 1980s which is now in the examples directory of the fpt distribution on, but I would love to see the original code. The Fortran example runs under gfortran or ifort so if anyone would like to play Hunt the Wumpus it is there for you.


The wikipedia page Hunt the Wumpus - Wikipedia has some history

The article from Creative Computing archived at has the Basic source code listing.

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Maybe, of interest here:

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@DavidB and interkosmos - many thanks. Now I know who wrote the original.

The 1973 date makes sense - I would have seen it on the Oxford 1906A in 1975. Later, waiting for jobs, we wrote it in Algol 60 on a DEC PDP8 (code long lost) but I knew there were many versions.

It is still a good game!