How does one send the SIGTERM or SIGKILL to a child process

Hi all,
I have a new conundrum. After thoroughly reading the gfortran entry on execute_command_line, How would one be able to send a SIGKILL or a SIGTERM to the process, if said signals are ignored by the child process ?

Going back to my previous program that I posted
Here is what the code looks like now after using the solution @jacobwilliams provided me

Compiled with : gfortran -O3 pipes_module.f90 main.f90 -o test
main :

program main
  use pipes_module
  implicit none

  character(len=*),parameter :: filename="multi_core",&
       compile_multi_core_backend="caf -O3 multi_core.f90 -o multi_core"
  integer,parameter :: max_cores=12
  character(len=:),allocatable :: greetings
  character(len=1000) :: run_multi_core_backend
  character(len=1) :: recompile_answer
  integer :: number_of_cores
  logical :: ex

  select case (ex)
     case (.false.)
        print "(a)", "Doesn't exist"
        print "(a)", "Compiling.."
        call execute_command_line (compile_multi_core_backend)
        call select_cores_and_run()
     case (.true.)
        print "(a)", "It exists!"
        write(unit=*,fmt="(a,1x)",advance="no") "Do you want to recompile it?"
        read *, recompile_answer
        select case (recompile_answer)
           case ("y")
              print "(a)", "Compiling.."
              call execute_command_line(compile_multi_core_backend)
              call select_cores_and_run()
           case ("Y")
              print "(a)", "Compiling.."
              call execute_command_line(compile_multi_core_backend)
              call select_cores_and_run()
              call select_cores_and_run()
              call select_cores_and_run()
           end select
     end select

     write(unit=*,fmt="(a,a)") greetings


  subroutine select_cores_and_run()

         "How many cores do you want?"
    read *, number_of_cores
    if (number_of_cores .gt. max_cores) STOP "Error: Too many cores !"
    greetings = get_command_as_string(run_multi_core_backend)

  end subroutine select_cores_and_run

end program main

pipes module :

module pipes_module
  use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none


     function popen(command, mode) bind(C,name='popen')
       import :: c_char, c_ptr

       character(kind=c_char),dimension(*) :: command
       character(kind=c_char),dimension(*) :: mode

       type(c_ptr) :: popen

     end function popen

     function fgets(s,siz,stream) bind(C,name='fgets')
       import :: c_char, c_ptr, c_int

       type (c_ptr) :: fgets
       character (kind=c_char),dimension(*) :: s
       integer(kind=c_int), value :: siz
       type(c_ptr), value :: stream

     end function fgets

     function pclose(stream) bind(C,name='pclose')
       import :: c_ptr, c_int

       integer(c_int) :: pclose
       type(c_ptr),value :: stream

     end function pclose
  end interface

  public :: convert_string_from_c2f, get_command_as_string


  function convert_string_from_c2f(c) result(f)
    implicit none

    character(len=*),intent(in) :: c
    character(len=:),allocatable :: f
    integer :: i


    if (i .le. 0) then
       f = c
    else if (i .eq. 1) then
       f = ''
    else if (i .gt. 1) then
       f = c(1:i-1)
    end if

  end function convert_string_from_c2f

  function get_command_as_string(command) result(str)
    implicit none

    character(len=*),intent(in) :: command
    character(len=:),allocatable :: str
    integer,parameter :: buffer_length = 1000

    type(c_ptr) :: h
    integer(c_int) :: istat
    character(kind=c_char,len=buffer_length) :: line

    str = ''
    h = c_null_ptr
    h = popen(command//c_null_char,'r'//c_null_char)

    if (c_associated(h)) then
       do while (c_associated(fgets(line, buffer_length, h)))
          str = str//convert_string_from_c2f(line)
       end do
       istat = pclose(h)
    end if

  end function get_command_as_string

end module pipes_module

multi core main :

program multi_main
  implicit none

  print "(a,1x,i0)", "Hello from",this_image()

end program multi_main

SIGKILL can’t be ignored, as it is handled by the kernel. But it may take some time, if system calls are performed. In any case, just add a signal handler to the child process. Either use a compiler extension or an ISO_C_BINDING interface to signal(2).

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Thank you :+1: