Ideas for command module

I am working on implementing a module similar to std::process in Rust. This module would contain tools to spawn and interact with child processes.

Here is what I have so far:

module process_module

  use iso_varying_string ! See

  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit, input_unit, error_unit
  implicit none

  type :: command
    type(varying_string) :: program
    type(varying_string), allocatable :: args(:)
    integer :: stderr_ = error_unit
    integer :: stdin_ = input_unit
    integer :: stdout_ = output_unit
    procedure :: new
    procedure :: arg => set_arg
    procedure :: stdin
    procedure :: stderr
    procedure :: stdout
    procedure :: get_program
    procedure :: get_args
    procedure :: status
  end type


  subroutine new(self,prog)
    class(command), intent(out) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prog
    if (allocated(self%args)) deallocate(self%args)
    self%program = trim(prog)
  end subroutine

  function get_program(self) result(p)
    class(command), intent(in) :: self
    type(varying_string) :: p
    p = self%program
  end function

  function get_args(self) result(args)
    class(command), intent(in) :: self
    type(varying_string), allocatable :: args(:)
  end function

  subroutine set_arg(self,arg)
    class(command), intent(inout) :: self
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: arg

    type(varying_string) :: vs

    vs = arg
    if (allocated(self%args)) then
      self%args = [self%args, vs]
      self%args(1) = arg
    end if
  end subroutine

  subroutine stdin(self,unit)
    class(command), intent(inout) :: self
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
    self%stdin_ = unit
  end subroutine

  subroutine stderr(self,unit)
    class(command), intent(inout) :: self
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
    self%stderr_ = unit
  end subroutine

    subroutine stdout(self,unit)
    class(command), intent(inout) :: self
    integer, intent(in) :: unit
    self%stdout_ = unit
  end subroutine

  subroutine status(self,success,code)
    class(command), intent(inout) :: self
    logical, intent(out), optional :: success
    integer, intent(out), optional :: code

    integer :: exitstat, cmdstat
    character(len=1000) :: cmdmsg

    character(len=1000) :: command
    integer :: i

    cmdmsg = ""

    command = self%program
    if (allocated(self%args)) then
      do i = 1, size(self%args)
        command = trim(command)//" "//trim(self%args(i))
      end do
    end if

    call execute_command_line(command,wait=.true., &
      exitstat=exitstat, &
      cmdstat=cmdstat, &
    print *, trim(cmdmsg)

    if (present(success)) then
      if (cmdstat == 0) then
        success = .true.
        success = .false.
      end if
    end if

    if (present(code)) code = exitstat
  end subroutine

end module

program main

  use iso_varying_string
  use process_module
  implicit none

  type(command) :: cmd
  logical :: succ
  integer :: code

  call cmd%new("gfortran")
  call cmd%arg("hello_world.f90") ! contains "print *, "Hello from child!"; end
  call cmd%arg("-o")
  call cmd%arg("hello_world")
  call cmd%status(success=succ,code=code)
  print *, succ, code

  call cmd%new("./hello_world")
  call cmd%status(success=s,code=code)
  print *, succ, code
  print *, "Hello from caller."
end program

The Rust API provides three ways to run a command with slightly different roles:

  • status will run the command as a child process, wait for it to finish and collect it’s exit status;
  • output will run the command as a child process, wait for it to finish and collect it’s exit status and output (stderr, and, stdout);
  • spawn will run the command and return a handle to the process (the PID presumably).

Is it possible to replicate this functionality purely in Fortran?

If possible, can it be used in a parallel setting? For example if one image spawns a child process, and communicate the child id, can the second image check the status.

I would also appreciate learning any other ideas related to the functionality of such a process module.


This is a nice API, certainly something I would make use of. The third command method spawn would be particularly useful, especially if it is able to return a handle which I can later wait upon and retrieve output.

Unfortunately I don’t know the specifics of how this could be implemented for single- or cross-platform, but I don’t think pure Fortran is possible - maybe with some platform-specific c code?

Some other process features that I’ve needed to implement when working with MATLAB:

  • Modify or set environment variables before launching the process
  • Reading from stdout and stderr buffers while the process is running.
  • Set a process timeout
  • Procedure to kill spawned process
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I have found part of functionality I want to replicate in some of the modules distributed with the NAG Fortran Compiler.

It is essentially an interface to POSIX. This would be a good candidate for inclusion into stdlib (not the NAG one, but a community developed version).

Intel Fortran comes with its own interface:

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It turns out, it was done several times already…

A rather long post I thought I made on this topic seems to have not made it. It cannot be done with standard Fortran. Fortran does not even have a concept of a PID, for example. If you look at the M_process, M_system, and M_io modules in GPF (General Purpose Fortran) there are components for interfacing via the ISO_C_BINDING interface to many of the most common POSIX routines on platforms that support it, and an interface to popen(3c) and family that might be useful. A similiar interface to the exec(3c) routines would be needed to implement all the features. Relatively straight-forward on a POSIX platform; but would have to be a custom solution for anything else; albeit several vendors support proprietary interfaces so the work has been done in that mostly it can be done with compiler-specific calls behind a wrapper library. Seefor the M_system, M_io, and M_process modules . You can get something similiar to some of the functionality by using Fortran’s many parallel packages for making a more event-driven interface with threads/processes waiting for events and so on.