Happily, Fortran is not an animal

You don’t know how lucky you are… If John Backus had been inspired by nature, you could program in Cheetah or Crocodile instead of Fortran and finally get into trouble:

O, brave New World…

Well, be careful anyway, Fortrans is the name of a medication. Dealing medications online may be forbidden in your country… Oh, don’t try to discover its usage, believe me, ignorance is better if you want to stay proud of the language! (I told you: you don’t know how lucky you are…)

That’s crazy… At least in Brazil it was a bug, but with Meta it’s by design.

But don’t feel safe with Fortran anyway: if you were advertizing “You need an absolute killer: Fortran!”, the AI may as well understand “You need an absolute killer for trans!”

No risk in the new world, we’ve got laser printers now! :printer:
Well, it seems each period has its own bugs…