GSoC 2024: Graphics Library

Yeah, I’ve had trouble with diff on windows 11 too.

Diff is a Linux command.

I figured out just not call this test Subroutine in the test code. Or just ignore this message. The program created svg file correctly.

I changed a lot of things in the recent PRs. I just merged them, so you can try again after pulling the new commits.
The testing system still needs more updating, so I disabled it until then.


Pity you have moved to cario.

Anyone successfully build cario under windows with gnu? Without mysys2 and cgywin.

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I initially wanted the backend to be made fully from scratch without depending on something like Cairo, but the plotting framework requires more advanced primitives and much more work. So I had to abandon that for now. However, adding new backends is not hard, so maybe in the future, I could start working on that.


Week #9-10

I started working on the code for the plotting library. It was very challenging at the beginning, but now I really enjoy working on it.

For now, you can only create very basic 2D plots. There is still a lot to do, such as adding legends and titles, more customizations to plots, scatter plots, and new plotting types like bar plots and histograms. But for now, I am very happy with the progress so far.

You can find the repository here.

Here are some examples:
tri_plot xk
exp log


On Windows, try to install Vcpkg. Cairo is available as a package

Over the next two weeks, I plan to focus on the main library. I still need to clean up the modules and the overall codebase, fix the testing systems, and add more comments and documentation. Polishing the main library is important as my GSoC period only has two weeks left.

Regarding the plotting library, I intend to continue working on it in the future.

@everythingfunctional gave me plenty of interesting ideas on where to take the project next.