Generics in Fortran 202Y: Petition to WG5?

To all other Community members interesting in enhancing Fortran:

  1. There is an urgent need to form a Global Fortran Foundation,
  2. Community must wrest the development of Fortran away from WG5 and place it with the Global Fortran Foundation. WG5 can work on ISO standardization, if it so chooses, but language development is clearly not their competence
  3. Global Fortran Foundation shall recognize and champion all open source Fortran processors including LFortran (LLVM) and GCC\gfortran.
  4. Global Fortran Foundation shall develop a completely open workflow and procedures for Fortran advancement proposals, say FAP similar to Python PEP, that includes support and funding for prototype development and inclusion in the official language version as determined by the Community via this workflow.

Note without something like this, the Community can wait decades and decades and no meaningful advancement shall occur, leave it to WG5 and J3 and >98% of the proposals will be treated as dead-on-arrival, regardless of an overwhelming majority of the Community getting behind a proposal.