Fortran Monthly Call: June 2021

Here is a TODO list for myself, based on the call:

  • @MarDie, would you mind writing up all the things that Fortran should improve? I can then address it how I think our efforts will fix it and we can debate.

  • I would like to brainstorm and write down what goals I would like to see done by Spring 2024 (3 years from now). That way we can judge, as a community, whether we are on track to achieve those goals, and also whether we would be satisfied in 3 years of those goals were met.

  • I would like to create our own metric how to judge if we are doing well with regards to other languages as well as Fortran itself (in time). The best idea I have so far is the number of new projects created at GitHub (in a given month) in a given language, and plot this over time. Another idea is the number of contributors to all projects in a given language, as a plot in time. Another one is the number of patches, the number of pull requests, the number of issues or issues comments. The languages of interest could be Fortran, Julia, Matlab, Python, C++ and Rust.