ForTimize: Trying to standardize and package different optimization procedures

Hello! After having to deal with different optimization methods to solve one of my problems I became really tired of:

  • FInding source code / fpm libraries to use them
  • Restructuring the code to fit the specific optimization routine
  • Learning the special variables that some optimizers that don’t provide sane defaults have

During all that work (my research is not based on the optimization procedures, I just use them as a tool) I couldn’t stop thinking how nice it would be to have them all packaged in the same place, with a standard API to avoid all the extra trouble. Something like what scipy.optimize.minimize does, an easy-to-start API but with the possibility to specify details if the user knows about how the algorithms are implemented.

That’s why I’ve started drafting ForTimize (GitHub - fedebenelli/ForTimize). ForTimize intend to ease the usage of optimizers for the end-user. Right now it has a simple functionality like

program main
    use ForTimize, only: pr, minimize
    use my_objective, only: foo

    real(pr) :: x(3), F

    ! Initial guess
    x = [1, 2, 5]

    ! Minimize uses the Nelder-Mead algorithm as a default    
    call minimize(foo, x, F)
    ! Print results
    print *, x
    print *, F
end program

And it is also possible to use other algorithms just by adding the optional

type(MyOptimizer) :: optim
optim%some_setting = 24
call minimize(foo, x, F, optim=optim)

All the Optimizers must inherit from an abstract type, that ensures that the same API will be used. The base type is defined in the core.f90 file
Right now I’ve only implemented gradient descent and Nelder-Mead, as examples of two types of algorithms (with and without derivatives). Adding new Optimizers is easy, and now with fpm it is now possible to wrap all the other implemented algorithms and using them as dependencies

Since this is far from something I really need right now, just trying to help the FOSS Fortran community, I wanted to discuss your opinions on something like this. Any kind of code reviewing, now that the codebase is minimal and easy to follow and change, is welcomed too!


I’ve summarized some of my thinking on this topic in a few places:

I’ve gone down this path a bit too. Digging through my long list of stale private repositories there is one with the following README:


Ivan’s optimization shed - a workspace for tinkering with optimization codes in Fortran, C, and C++

My goals for this repository include:

  • defining one or more canonical interfaces for (Fortran) callback routines used in mathematical optimization
  • experimenting with design patterns to develop robust, composable, flexible, and extensible solver libraries
  • develop adaptor patterns for mixed-language programming in Fortran/C/C++

Instead of re-implementing algorithms from scratch, we can start by integrating and evaluating existing libraries. The discovery process should feed information into achieving the goals above.

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Thanks for your inputs! I’ve been using nlopt-f for some time on my projects and it was what inspired me to use a class(*) object to include the additional data for the function. Unfortunately, I can’t install nlopt on the system I’m working on now and that made me start writing ForTimize. While I think the approach that nlopt-f is one of the best of I’ve seen in this subject, I (personally) don’t like how the objective function must be defined as a nlopt_func type. I understand why it is needed but I think it sets a (little) barrier to a new user.

I know that my implementation needs (a lot) more polish, but I think we should all try to converge to an API that is easy to use and intuitive for a new user. Just as how I can now use solve(A, b) with stdlib instead of calling dgsev directly. I think that developing simple APIs for the things that Fortran works best (math problems) would help enormously to catch new users. If the Julia community could obtain this relatively quickly, why is it still “hard” for us?

I’ve played with writing a little wrapper on top of NLopt, which would make it a bit more generic:

program nlopt_alternative_demo

   use example_funcs
   use nlopt_alternative
   implicit none

   type(nlopt_prob(n = 2)) :: prob

   type :: constraint_data
      real(wp) :: a, b
   end type

   type(nlopt_func) :: cnstr(2)
   type(constraint_data), target :: d1, d2

   call create(prob, "LD_MMA")  ! initializes with default settings

   prob%lower_bounds(2) = 0.0_wp
   prob%xtol_rel = 1.e-4_wp

   prob%min_objective = nlopt_func(myfunc)

   d1 = constraint_data(2.0_wp, 0.0_wp)
   d2 = constraint_data(-1.0_wp, 1.0_wp)

   cnstr(1) = nlopt_func(myconstraint, d1)
   cnstr(2) = nlopt_func(myconstraint, d2)

   call add_inequality_constraints(opt, cnstr)

   x = [1.234_wp, 5.678_wp]

   call optimize(prob, x)

   print *, "Found minimum ", prob%optf, "at ", x
   print *, "Number of function evaluations ", prob%numevals

end program

The main thing to observe is the existence of an adapter that takes myfunc and myconstraint which have an interface different from what NLopt expects, but converts those into nlopt_funcs. Unfortunately, there are some caveats related to pointers, and the copying/ownership of data.

I fully agree.

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