That message did not come from a compiler - it almost certainly came from a script or makefile. You’ll need to examine the command you used to “compile” and see what it is really doing.
Could it be a problem related to case sensitivity in UNIX OS?
OK, it tried ELEMENTAL.mod and elemental.mod, but it could also be for example Elemental.mod
You could search the file containing the error message with grep.
@sblionel thanks for the clarification. I had indeed thought about the build system. I checked all the related files over and over, yet I could not see the mistake myself. That being said, since it is unfortunately CMake (which I never liked), it might be that I am missing the spot.
@vmagnin thanks for the hint, I knew UNIX OSes are case sensitive and tried to be very careful on that matter. Nonetheless, the problem is more complicated I guess, cause no module elemental exists in the first place…
I see that among the generated make build files, there is a src/CMakeFiles/BsaLib.dir/depend.make file in which I some rule patterns like:
<cmake_dir>/<a_file_path> <cmake_dir>/elemental.mod.stamp
<cmake_dir>/elemental.mod.stamp: <cmake_dir>/<a_file_path>.F90.o
$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_copy_mod src/modules/elemental.mod src/modules/elemental.mod.stamp GNU
A similar pattern is present for a “pure.mod”, same as elemental.mod.
I don’t deal with Makefiles very often, so I don’t really know from where this might come from.