Contributions to Open Source Engineering Projects

Hi Fortran community, Nico here, this is my first post on this site. I’ve seen some version of this question asked before, but I’d like to start contributing to open source engineering projects written in Fortran, and I’m not sure where to start.

My interests, background and expertise are in chemical/mechanical/computation engineering, with use of Fortran.

I’m eager to help and contribute where needed!

Many thanks.


Welcome Nico.

It’s best to start using an OpenSource project that you like, and understand how it works, where something is missing, and try to implement them.

It’s also appreciated if someone creates tutorials, and helps others learn.

Calculix for example, is a very important FEM structural solver written in C and Fortran. So it might be interesting to mechanical engineers. But since it’s FEM, it’s little bit complex, so it might take you few years to understand everything. I don’t think it is good project for a begineer, but it’s interesting, so I wanted to share:

Best of luck.

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Thanks @aerosayan, I appreciate your response. I have KJ Bathe’s Finite Element Procedures sitting on my bookshelf and his codes from the book on my hard drive. :wink:

I’ll look into CALCULIX.
