AMD ROCm Hackathon : Portable acceleration for Fortran applications

Hey all,
I’m helping organize a free virtual hackathon series this year that focuses on portable GPU acceleration using OpenMP, HIP, OpenCL/Focal, and ROCm accelerated libraries.

We’re looking for subject matter experts and developers that want to collaboratively work together on using these tools for GPU acceleration of scientific applications.

Subject matter experts can offer their expertise to others by becoming a mentor.

Anyone can come with code they are working on to get some help porting and optimizing for GPU hardware. Attendee applications for the Spring hackathon ( April 5-10 ) are closing this week. Feel free to apply solo or with a team!

We’d love to see OpenCL/Focal , hipfort, and OpenMP mentors and attendees!


I won’t be able to apply for this round, but please do post again for summer/fall!

Hey @hsnyder , the applications are up year-round and you can apply for events later in the year at any time. I’ll definitely share some reminders throughout the year, though!

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