1000 users registered on the Fortran Discourse πŸŽ‰

Has anyone noticed that the 1000th user has just registered on the Fortran Discourse?


I’d say a kilothanks to all FD users, so one thanks each! :smile:

It’s the users that made this Discourse a great place.


And today it is 2^{10}+1 = 10000000001_b days since the 5th May 2020. Therefore we have approximately one new user per day.
Have you other interesting statistics or graphs on your administrator side Milan @milancurcic ?

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Yes, there are about 50 metrics that are tracked daily and that we can export to CSV. Not personally identifying. If anyone would like to crunch the data let me know and we’ll get you set up.

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Always interesting to play with data. Can you send me such a CSV file?

It is a great opportunity to procrastinate in a useful way :smiley:


Thanks everybody. I must say I now prefer Discourse to a mailinglist, thanks @milancurcic! We’ve been able to build a community here and have many high quality discussions here.