I am attempting to write values obtained in a nested Do loop inside a fortran Module (dftd3_module in core.f90 which is part of the large Quantum Espresso package). The Module is called by a subroutine A. Subroutine A is called by subroutine B which is called by the main program. When I run the main program, the WRITE statement produces no output. Looking at similar online questions, I did the following:
write a subroutine at the end of the Module (dftd3 module) such as
A module contains functions and subroutines that can be called, but you cannot call a module, only module procedures within it. Are you sure that printval is being called? At the beginning of printval you could add
Thank you for the quick response. On my end, I had to wait for the Cluster to run my job. I added your suggestion and the job finished as before with no print out. So the printval is not being called. I have it placed here in a subroutine (pbcedisp) in the Module
do taux=-rep_vdw(1),rep_vdw(1)
do tauy=-rep_vdw(2),rep_vdw(2)
do tauz=-rep_vdw(3),rep_vdw(3)
! cutoff
if (r2.gt.rthr) cycle
r =sqrt(r2)
e6 =e6+c6/(r6+bj_dmp6)
c8 =3.0d0*c6*r42
r8 =r6*r2
e8 =e8+c8/(r8+bj_dmp8)
CALL printval
end do
end do
end do
The printval subroutine is placed at the end of the pbcedisp subroutine
You could add print statements or use a debugger to understand why printval is not being called. For example what are the values of the loop bounds above? When is the cycle statement in the loop triggered? You could add a line
The rep_vdw, calculated with another subroutine, are 6, 6, and 2. The material is a 2D material and so it is elongated along the third direction and requires fewer replicas.
It looks like QE actually does connect /dev/null to the standard output if you are not on an ionode process: Modules/environment.f90 · 0279435 · QEF - Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation / q-e · GitLab. This means print and write will not work in this case because they send their data to a write-only file. Not sure if one can recover standard output once it is connected to dev/null (a quick check didn’t look too promising).
In case anyone is interested the version of dftd3-lib used in QE can be found here:
You might still be able to write to the standard error:
use iso_fortran_env, only : stderr => error_unit
write(stderr, *) "Should be visible"
end block
Note that many scripts in QE actually redirect the standard error to /dev/null as well (from a quick search for 2> /dev/null in the repo), however this is not done in the global initialization routine meaning it might be an option if you are careful.
Interesting way to suppress output from the program - I wonder (besides disk space) if this leads to any performance benefits: it would seem not, since all formatted io internals will be called anyways, I guess
I got it to work. What I was doing before was using “make” for the dft-d3 package after all the changes. This updated the .mod files and the library in the dft-d3 package. This time, I used “make” for the whole package of Quantum Espresso of which dft-d3 is only part of. Now I can run QE and the Subroutine printval works fine.
Thank you for all the inputs to my query, a learning experience for me as well. It is very encouraging to know that there are many out there willing to help.
Oh, QE has a recursive make setup, I wouldn’t have guessed that this could lead to such hard to discover errors. Losing time on build errors made me move away from makefiles for all my projects.
The CMake build files in QE might provide a different developing experience, not necessarily better if you are new to CMake, though. It definitely provides possibilities to lose time on other kind of build errors ;).
The “/dev/null” trick does have performance issues, and depending on what version of fortran and what compiler you are using opening more than one file to “/dev/null” can be unsupported … there have been long discussions about that, some of which are still in the fortran newsgroup. There are lots of reasons I would discourage that myself, but I have seen that heavily used to avoid writing many “if(debug)write(…)…” statements. It would be nice if there were a way to literally turn off a LUN, or even some option on the write; and there are a few tricky codes that call functions with side effects in WRITE statements that would be particularly problematic. I personally wish a LUN could be an array, including being an empty array; which would allow “turning off” a WRITE and also allow writing to multiple files like the screen and a log file efficiently.